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About sbats

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  • Bio
    I woke up on the beach after my ship was overrun by an infected that infiltrated our evacuation in hopes for a cure risking the mortality of the other survivors. The risk was very real. First I watched as my friends, family and other survivors were torn apart. Jumping overboard and miles off coast I struggled to swim during a storm.

    Once on the beach I made my way through the forest and collected dead hunters weapons for safety.

    Now I stand strong within a small contingent of highly motivated survivors, with one goal in mind, survive.
  1. sbats

    I spawned in open hills?

    Run Direct South East - to more East after a while. It will either be a 27km jog, or 4km+ jog. Done both, 27km you are NE of the map, 4km+ you are NE of Pavlovo.
  2. Sweet for you ATOJAR, I didnt update to 94945 so your fix doesn't apply.
  3. Searched the forums, found rolling back to this beta is fixing the issue of waiting for host. I already have the 94876 beta and I am still Waiting For Host. One of my mates has the same issue, tried three of the beta patches and still no go, updated from SIXupdater, torrent, and manually from the mirrors, still no go. So what is the issue here? Anyone else having this problem and not able to use the roll back miracle cure? Am I supposed to update to the latest beta and rollback for the chance it will work? If I am getting the Waiting for host problem with 94876 which is supposed to be the fix beta for the issue, what do I do?
  4. One: Big T don't relate physchological issues to a game, unless your christian, I guess you would have a reason to. Two: The rules of the game, there arn't any. Three: If we want to relate the games apocalypse to a real world apocalypse. People will take it as an excuse to go out and kill randomnlessly, their is no more enforcement, the world is ending. Its survival, survive, don't be a prick and cry when you get shot in the face randomnly, you just sucked at surviving, simple.
  5. sbats

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Don't know why you don't just show the logs, sounds like you got nothing to lose, right? Don't be a toss bag and say its about your pride, integrity or to follow "rules". Finish this flame war and just show the logs, because you have nothing to hide. I love you all.
  6. If you implemented the password strategy in this way it could also paint a target on your back for hackers.
  7. sbats

    Will Arma 3 actually be optimized?

    I get about 80-140fps while in the forests and open plains of Chernerus, but as soon as I go near a city, filled with zombies, my gpu usage drops to 10-30% and my fps to 20-50. Optimization in my eyes would be getting the engine to rely more on GPU than CPU. The arma series has always been a bitch when it came to optimization.
  8. sbats

    Lack of an Authentic World

    Isn't USA one of the biggest weapon exports in the world? Hence why the CDF uses the Huey?
  9. sbats

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Until zomb... I mean the infected, stop phasing through walls with their super mega attack I think we should wait until we put a leash on server hopping. I will be honest to say I have disconnected due to having my ass handed to me by these infected with a cement wall force field and inter dimensional attacks through dang walls. I am happy to die when they can't walk or attack through solid material.
  10. sbats

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Something I quicker snapper wappered up. Nothin to much :D
  11. sbats

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    It's all about the balance, and quite frankly if this balance isn't met and players stop flowing to this total conversion of Arma 2, Rocket will perhaps be out of a job. Lets take a step back and look at how many copies of Arma 2 were purchased due to his mod, ridiculous amounts. You'd want to keep the popularity up of the mod during its ascension into a full game, by keeping its gameplay balanced. Make the zombies to hard so 'casuals' will think they wasted their money, isn't good for word of mouth, sales. I've been playing since OFP and am always for harder gameplay, but you have to think outside your box buddy. Don't make it to extreme for new players, create a balance, keep everyone happy, and let the non-casuals who believe the game should be made to their standards only boil in their own piss for being greedy. I love you. Is this guy for real? Are you seriously saying that Rocket could be out of a job after single handedly selling thousands of Arma 2 due to a MOD (a MOD which is his and his alone)? I hope he was given a MASSIVE pay rise. You sir are what is commonly referred to as a Tool. Yeah, of course you would take the 'perhaps' as a solid statement, not lightly. I think you have not fully comprehended what I have said. Like a troll, you have successfully taken a small piece from my post and tried to stain it with your filth. You sir are an absolute tool. But hey I guess only tools take away a snippet of information maintaining their ignorance. If I were to seriously say he would lose his job, I wouldn't use that word 'perhaps'. Perhaps: Used when one does not wish to be too definite or assertive in the expression of an opinion. Maybe your just a moron. If you had an ounce of intelligence you would have understood that my approach was mainly about the balance being kept. You know? So all people can play the mod comfortably. Perhaps, you should read with a little more depth. :sleepy:
  12. sbats

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I say we believe in Rocket and have full trust that the gangsta knows what he is doing. Because he does, wut wut!
  13. sbats

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    It's all about the balance, and quite frankly if this balance isn't met and players stop flowing to this total conversion of Arma 2, Rocket will perhaps be out of a job. Lets take a step back and look at how many copies of Arma 2 were purchased due to his mod, ridiculous amounts. You'd want to keep the popularity up of the mod during its ascension into a full game, by keeping its gameplay balanced. Make the zombies to hard so 'casuals' will think they wasted their money, isn't good for word of mouth, sales. I've been playing since OFP and am always for harder gameplay, but you have to think outside your box buddy. Don't make it to extreme for new players, create a balance, keep everyone happy, and let the non-casuals who believe the game should be made to their standards only boil in their own piss for being greedy. I love you.
  14. sbats

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Does the virus maintain the intelligence of the zombie? If not, one would imagine accurately that the deterioration of the zombies mind would render them useless to being the one to open the door for the hoard. Again without a functioning brain, you tend to forget things, like how to cook food, so you eat it raw.
  15. sbats

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    If they dont eat they decay. Hence the part about a long passed evacuation. Virus or not, the body needs to eat.