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Everything posted by VecaHZ

  1. Sorry pal', but in real life there would be shitload of vehicles around, but not fixed thoo'. :)
  2. Just got new PC, just got DayZ set up. Tonight I'm joining you guys :) Hopefully I make some friends! SEE YOU!
  3. Hello DayZ community, before all! I'm new player, I mean old new player. I used to play this in old alpha, but got tired of it. I'm actually typing this from my laptop, and new PC is coming in monday. Can someone help me survive this? I haven't really played this a lot, anything new? New updates and things? Oh god, I used to take my thermal AS50 and lay above beautiful Chernarus, old good days. I hope nothing changed. And btw, any tips?
  4. VecaHZ

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I've got DAYZ already (ARMA II CO), I'm buying THAT PC, got no more than those 600 $. And I don't want to order things from other countries or such, I'm getting this in two days. I don't want HIGH fps, I just want to walk smoothly and shoot smothly. So ALL lowest, all all, I hope it won't have lag spikes. It's okay in Cherno, but I mean on open fields and such.
  5. I would gladly join, because I adore UK servers but my PC is coming on monday's evening :'( Hopefully we will play together pals!
  6. VecaHZ

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 x2 2.5 GHz CPU Speed: Info RAM: 1 GB OS: Windows XP or Vista Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 8600GT or ATI Radeon 3650 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM Sound Card: Yes those are minimum, and my covers this as I know? shouldn't I be able to run it?
  7. VecaHZ

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Actually I'm buying this PC in monday or so. Got no more budget. I just want to play dayZ, on ALL lowest. I hope it won't be laggy uh? Well, it will be A LOT playable? Right?
  8. VecaHZ

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Please help me, I'm depressed will my PC run DayZ smoothly on lowest performances. LOWEST BUT SMOOTH. * CPU: i5-4440, 4x3.1-3.3Ghz ( Haswell ) * MATICNA: MSI H81M-E33 * GPU: NVIDIA GT630 2GB GDD3 * RAM: 4GB on 1333Mhz * HDD: CAVIER BLUE 500GB SATA III * Placement/BOX : BLUEBERRY G52 560W
  9. VecaHZ

    Unsurvivable, thanks.

    Well thanks for kind suggestions pals, hope to meet you once....and to meet FRANKIEONPCIN1080p!
  10. VecaHZ

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    so 0 percent it's playable?
  11. VecaHZ

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    OS: Windows 7 RAM: 4 GB Processor: Intel ® Pentium ® CPU B970 @ 2.30GHz 2.30GHz System type: 64-bit. Graphics card: Integrated(Or whatever you want to call it, it's laptop) Intel Graphics HD Family MODEL: Lenovo G580 tell me can i run it on ALL lowest.