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About AngryScotsman

  • Rank
  1. 1] Nickname: Speedy G 2] Region(Country): UK 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes I am even though I work about 25-38 hours a week. 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: Speedy G (thescottishfag) 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: 3 years. 7] How many Clans have you been In: 2. 8] Previous experience: Tactical clan vs clan for about a year on an epoch server. 9] How many bandits have you killed: Too many to be counting haha. 10] Are you willing to help other players: Yes I am.
  2. AngryScotsman

    Constantly zoomed in - Need help ASAP.

    Nevermind, figured out the issue. I had a gamepad plugged in, just realised there haha! thanks for quick reply though. :)
  3. I'm constantly zoomed in as if I were holding right mouse button to zoom in, but when I go to a menu or to type something it resets back to normal and I can't even right mouse button to put it back to normal or - + keys to adjust it. It just is a constant zoom and won't stop it's incredible annoying. Anyone know a fix to this?
  4. Chaos Vanguard Who are Chaos Vanguard? We are currently a new clan founded on the 31st of August by the founders Oreo and Lynxx. We focus on a variety of games such as Nether, League of Legends, Infestation: Survivor Stories and many others. We are expanding our clan as it's growing and we want to involve as many people as we can to have a fun experience when they play with us. We currently have bought an Epoch server included with several custom scripts to enhance your enjoyment on our server, as it is all up to us to keep it maintained as Epoch isn't supported for Taviana so a lot of work goes into keeping this server stable for you to have an enjoyable Experience. Server Information: ts: Web: www.thechaosvanguard.shivtr.com IP: Server Details: 150+ Vehicles Indestructable Bases Supply Drops Custom Traders Extra Barracks Self BloodBag Remove Clothes Sleep In Tent 18 hours day Anti Hacks Active Non Abusive Admins Feel free to come and join us we are friendly and we highly recommend PVP and tactical realism in fights. We welcome bandits, netural and heroes and if you have any other questions feel free to pop into our teamspeak and poke an admin or me ( Angry ) Division leader of Dayz. Hope to see you on!
  5. Bumping this thread; gained a lot of new members. Cheers for joining us!
  6. AngryScotsman

    Looking for a semi-serious Epoch Clan

    Have a look at this thread buddy if you're interested! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153206-cv-the-chaos-vanguard-recruiting-pve-and-pvp-euus/
  7. AngryScotsman

    Looking for a few people to game with!

    Have a look here mate. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153206-cv-the-chaos-vanguard-recruiting-pve-and-pvp-euus/
  8. AngryScotsman

    Starting a new group

    have a look at this thread if you're interested in joining a dayz group/division. :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153206-cv-the-chaos-vanguard-recruiting-pve-and-pvp-euus/
  9. AngryScotsman

    Looking for a group to game with!

    think you're being a bit too picky really as the best clans for DayZ have responded to you on this...
  10. AngryScotsman

    Looking for a serious team on DayZ Epoch

    Have a look at this thread here mate. Might have your interest. Hope to see you soon Carpe! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153206-cv-the-chaos-vanguard-recruiting-pve-and-pvp-euus/
  11. AngryScotsman

    Looking for a few people to game with!

    Have a look at this thread here! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153206-cv-the-chaos-vanguard-recruiting-pve-and-pvp-euus/
  12. AngryScotsman

    New Player Looking for Tactical Clan

    Have a look at this thread here mate! http://forums.dayzga...e-and-pvp-euus/
  13. AngryScotsman

    Looking for Fun group/clan

    Have a look at this thread here mate! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153206-cv-the-chaos-vanguard-recruiting-pve-and-pvp-euus/
  14. AngryScotsman

    Looking for a group to game with!

    Sent you a PM buddy. Have a wee look!