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Everything posted by james222

  1. Dident the owner of Brohost sell out then get shut down a month or so later? Or am I pointing fingers at the wrong person.
  2. james222


    scripts.txt is pretty useless, everyone uses a bypass.
  3. james222

    IRC ban for asking a question

    This thread is full of retards.
  4. james222

    Pending Update: Build

    There really isn't anything wrong with DayZ, the latest patch should be stable as hell if the current one is already very playable. DayZ needs more things to do. The only fix I can comprehend would be removing radar in the choppers.
  5. Alot of the bigname private servers stay true to rockets ideals and even support him more then most of the public server hosts, because we want the mod to succeed and not fail, thus 0ms DB latency and heavier anti-cheat method whilst staying true to the original mod.
  6. james222

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    Scheduled downtime, there is no thing in their AUP that says "hey you can't shutdown your server for scheduled downtime events"
  7. james222

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    I wanted a image, I got no image. 0/10 would not visit again.
  8. No, you need a restart every 6 hours on a decent setup, E3-1270 3.4Ghz quad example. The FPS droops really low and you need to resync the time every so often.
  9. So is hacking but you don't see them stopping.
  10. Remove the servers reporting IP from your server.cfg and boot it up. Tell your clan mates to join in via the remote filter. Enjoy the event.
  11. This is why you play on private servers, if the admins are competent they usually do some form of constant backup.
  12. james222

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    Hahaha the admin can shut the fucking server down any time he wants, pick a server with some decent admins next time.
  13. Suito you can host ArmA2 Windows binary with wine, HiveExtension also works on wine. If you don't have the money for Windows solutions you probably don't have the hardware for ArmA2OAServer with 50 slots. You need ATLEAST Xeon recent gen 3Ghz+
  14. No server hoppers, helicopters and less cheating. Its for the good of dayz.
  15. james222

    admins are abuseing

  16. What the fuck? Are you retarded? How would you loose your gear from something not even connected to the official Hive.
  17. Server is running the new RC1, we had some issues with Ban.txt breaking in the latest RC you may come and play now. No you arent banned. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137181-ARMA-2-OA-1-61-(Release-Candidate-1)-build-94945
  18. james222

    Dayz Linux Server - Mono?

    You can host DayZ with the latest wine experimental, if you don't want to install a window manager use Xvfb. Performs the same.
  19. james222

    Banned from US133

    you're not banned, two threads below you.
  20. The RC BE is messed, hold on and no you're not banned
  21. james222

    seattle 124 is now us 742

    Because it makes the server list more atrocious then it already is, imagine having a name for every server in every town across Earth.