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Everything posted by james222

  1. Vilayer sucks, stealing location ID's since they started.
  2. Couldn't be bothered to read post because of furry avatar.
  3. I did some testing, 2FPS is near unplayable for group gameplay. 4FPS is a massive improvement. Good boxes can maintain 4FPS, however I fear a 60 slot server on your box might run 1-2FPS.
  4. Yes if you intend to hack on this VPN it will simply cease to work.
  5. Hey dumbasses, US358 is my location ID. I don't want to take drastic measures to protect my interests if you know what I mean.
  6. If your server gets full 60/60 for more then 30 minutes, login via chat and monitor FPS, if its below 3-4FPS your provider is shit. To do this type this in chat: #login ADMINPASSWORD then type in #monitor 2
  7. I'm not sure you read the OP.. he is suggesting virtualization.. not Wine.
  8. Yeah if you shoot someone in the neck in DayZ they tend to die.
  9. If his neck is broken, in theory he should be dead.
  10. I believe the correct word is Skiddie (Script kiddie)
  11. Everyone knows you don't use a VPN for gaming unless you wan't to cheat under a completely different IP address. Its kind of obvious right now.. he has globally banned GUID's, multiple proxies and extremely suspicious activity. The limb status etc is pulled from MySQL table and FYI dynamic IP addresses don't vary much at all.
  12. Same GUID's/Unique alias' in different locations across earth usually indicate VPN usage, not to mention some are hosted in datacenters. Also I'm really quite sure you're trolling.. its obvious as fuck what the logs say as I explained them in one paragraph each.
  13. You're gonna want to rotate your RPT file into a separate folder every hour or so by using a .bat file and task scheduler. You're also going to want to download BEC(Battleye Extended commands) to log everything that goes on, IE chat etc and you can even use it to schedule restarts and automessages. Learn about BERCON so you can remotely admin your server. If you google most of the stuff you will find it, ex: scripts.txt update
  14. Hacked, that is BAF_Soldier_W not the correct skin (camo1_DZ)
  15. More BEC logs: http://pastebin.com/WCexzsUs This obviously also indicates VPN usage.
  16. james222

    This forum is completely useless?

    I think I've made the only constructive post in this section. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/60285-deez-multiple-globally-banned-guids-under-the-same-ipalias/ I've shown if you put in effort you can actually find and ban a person. So no, its not completely useless its just all the bad reports get constantly bumped to the top.
  17. james222

    Military vechicle spawns disabled on server?

    they spawn on chance.
  18. james222

    Checking Logs? What would i be looking for.

    Nothing because byass
  19. james222

    HFBServer + scripts.txt

    Scripts.txt is useless, it only boots legitimate clients and not the hacker(who is using BE bypass).
  20. james222


  21. Is there any demand? I'm seriously contemplating this in light of the recent hacking attacks and BIS/BE showing no effort to atleast make their engine more secure, and BIS' official response to hackers is "password your servers"
  22. james222

    Wrong section remove please

    Hehe, nice and you get my beans for bringing out shit administration.