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About james222

  • Rank
    Cheranus Map

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  1. james222

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    They're all oversold POS.
  2. I dunno, I'm more or less advocating private servers with reasoning.
  3. The title pretty much explains everything, the mod dealt with most of these things just fine. And the take over of private servers pretty much solved the issue of hopping onto another server, moving into another building and rejoining to kill the guy from behind. Since joining is so fast and easy, everybody does it without punishment. It ruins gameplay, its making DayZ a deathmatch at points of interest. Loot needs to be fixed, if loot spawned like it probably should people wouldn't be server hopping so much.
  4. What idiot runs a server behind a NAT.
  5. james222

    20 Hackers?

    As it is nothing gets added to the CBL because the the Owner is gone or in hospital and Dwarden.. well Dwarden is Dwarden so I wouldn't really trust him.
  6. james222

    Community Banlist

    Being BIS has nothing to do with this dispute, it only makes him more trustworthy. AFAIK his bans arent even on the main list.
  7. james222

    CBL ban appeal

    Can you stop bolding your text? and your signature is hard to even look at it makes me want to not scroll down the page. OP, you were banned a long time ago for hacking but since there is no log excerpt I will remove it.
  8. james222


    Hey could you tell me their names? I'm sure it must've been in a joking meme shit manner.
  9. james222


    Hiya friend, whats your in-game name? I ban people for hacking, racism and spamming global voip. I kick for everything else.
  10. okay you don't need two threads for a single server. And stop bumping so often.
  11. james222

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I want to start a radio station.
  12. james222

    ACRE Enabled server in development.

    Okay server should be up in a day or so.