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General Balls

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About General Balls

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    On the Coast
  1. General Balls

    Tank Trap Kit

    Are you sure we're talking about the same tank traps? http://www.mrmof.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/sperre01.jpg The only way that'd destroy a vehicle is if they rammed it.
  2. General Balls

    Tank Trap Kit

    I found one very close to my spawn in one of the Cherno warehouses. Didn't pick it up because it looked like it'd take up an enormous amount of room, and I couldn't think of anything I'd do with it.
  3. No. I don't see what it adds to the game, would just make it frustrating. I do think you should spawn with less supplies though (especially ammo).
  4. General Balls

    Random massive loss of blood?

    This could be related to those terribly unlucky spawns that place you underneath the floor, or in the walls of some buildings. When you try to walk out from your clipped location you'll usually take gigantic amounts of damage and instantly die. So maybe you've been spawning with your legs clipped into a rock, for example. As soon as you tried to move, it registered, and applied a shit-ton of damage to your legs. Hi! :D
  5. General Balls

    gtx 570, but only 15-20 fps. What to do?

    My experience with frame rates has been very schizophrenic to date, and I think a lot of it depends on the server you're playing on, as opposed to any lack of power in your rig. One thing I have noticed is that I can be running at a smooth 60FPS, and then it'll drop down to 20. Sure, I think, it might be a lag spike, or a heap of zombies/players around, it won't last. But it will. If the FPS drops, for whatever reason this is, it never returns to what it was previously, even when I'm in the middle of wilderness with nary a zombie in sight. So it might be a memory issue, or maybe I'm still simulating something on my end when I shouldn't be. Either way, I'm pretty sure it's an optimisation issue as opposed to an issue with your computer. I've read in chat other people have had their FPS tank at around the same time mine has, though that might be coincidence.