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About Cardinals58

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Cardinals58


    I have been discharged from RC, I do not know the reason but I want to wish you guys the best of luck and thank you for all of your time and the training :) it was a pleasure! Good luck guys and have fun!!
  2. Cardinals58


    Bandman, we need a website! I can make one for us if you'd like. Just msg me on ts or steam and we can talk about it
  3. Cardinals58


    Application: Joseph Age: 16 Prefered Position: Medic, LMG, Sniper, Pilot (I can have a large impact on any role you put me at) Previous Clans (if applicable): Hpg, Merc, HKP Time spent playing DayZ: 1.5 Years Timezone: GMT -5:00 Time able to be dedicated to clan: I am usually on everyday Time spent playing ARMA II: 1.8 Years Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): video editing, photo editing, Pilots liscense Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes Working microphone: Yes Country: U.S.A Steam account name: Cardinals5898 Military Background (if applicable): Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I have been looking for a realism clan for a while and this one fits me perfect, Thank you for your time! :)