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Posts posted by flappyhed

  1. EDIT: for spelling failures.

    This is what I dont understand:


    1. Where is this Launch Options Tab? Navigate to it how...where is it? Steam?

    2. Browse the Beta directory where? In my arma folder' date=' on the steam interface within the Launch Options Tab? Where.

    3. Locate Beta in OA/CO > expansions > Beta. Again, where is this found? How is it navigated to...in the steam client within the library? Where?

    4. Select this location for the both beta locations in the launcher. Well...the only launcher Im using is steam, so what does this mean and where is it?


    The above settings are found in the Arma 2 launcher 'Spirited Machine'. It's a stand-alone piece of software that launches Arma 2 - separate to Steam. If you are using Steam to launch Arma 2, don't follow the above instructions.

  2. Shame I don't have that level of aiming skill :p.. or any aiming skill for that matter.. Hell' date=' even a gun half the time.


    Yeah, my aiming isn't all that good either - especially in pressure situations. If you can get inside, it helps a lot to bag the Z's in the head.


    #1: install DayZ 1.7.0

    #2: Spawn with gun

    #3: install DayZ

    Have fun and welcome to Day-fking-Z

    Ended up doing this as well.

  3. I had trouble using the Six Updater, so I grab the files manually and extract them directly into the 'addons' directory. It's a pain if I switch between servers running different versions, as I have to extract the right core files, but I get over it fairly quickly. I'm sure there is a way to create profiles to launch based on what version core files you are using - I've just not had the time to research it out.

    As for the "no entry bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons" error - just ignore it.

  4. I think you misunderstand me and my humor and my frustration.

    Unfortunately, the Internet is well know for it's ability to create misunderstandings. Especially if the text in question does not contain any context :)

    See what I did there?

    As for your current game experience, I'm sorry that you are unable to enjoy DayZ to its fullest extent. I'm sure satellite Internet is not the most 'game-friendly' service around, but if that is all you are able to get in your area, then I guess you have to put up with it.

    Perhaps you should do some reading around the forums to see if others in your position are asking for an 'off-line' mode. If there is a Suggestions portion to these forums, you should make a plea in there. You never know your luck.

    Further - even those of us with Carrier grade connections to the Internet suffer lag at times on the DayZ servers. Don't think you are totally alone out there.

  5. You probably have an infection. Your character is supposed to cough when you get an infection, but I read somewhere recently that one of the latest updates may have caused the coughing to not present itself any more. Try to find some antibiotics and see if that helps.

  6. You can get sick from taking damage from what I've read' date=' Zombie or bullets. Either that or the temperature meter is screwed up. I know I got sick not long after I had relogged into the game because my temperature was staying at 40C, even in the rain at night, and even sitting in multiple buildings to get it back up.


    I too read somewhere there is a chance of infection when you are damaged. Also, hanging around other players who are sick increases *your* change of getting sick.

  7. Are you sure there were no people sniping at you from a long distance?

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't sniped. That said, I was observing a building at the time, I could have missed another player. I had the building under observation from a prone position for at least 30-40 seconds *before* I started to crawl backwards under the tree.

    And just to clarify, I didn't spawn in that location - I'd been in game for a while and had been crouch running just prior to spotting the building.

    It could be that trees are more dangerous that you would believe on more hard-core servers.

    And General Balls - thanks! :)

  8. Yes, this happened to me Sunday. I went prone to observe a building, then decided I was too exposed. So I crawled backwards so I'd be under the bough of a pine tree. Suddenly, I was unconscious, and lost 5K+ blood.

    First thought - I had been shot. So I waited for the coup de gras. It never came. So, I then thought maybe there was some random Z that was hiding in the woods, hit me... then decided to not eat me. Nothing around me.

    So, I think the tree ate me. Or at least tried too. I read somewhere that going prone over jagged ground can damage you, but I had a good look at the ground under the tree, and apart from being on a slight slope, there was no obvious jaggedness. So *shrug* I've got no idea what happened.

    So I call Bandit Tree!!

    And... first post!! Hi everyone :)
