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Everything posted by flappyhed

  1. What happens when you try to join a server?
  2. flappyhed

    Beans 'n Bandages

    I second this.
  3. I followed the one that was on the DayZ mod website - it has moved to here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=408 I followed EXACTLY. Worked fine for me.
  4. I've been totally avoiding using the Six Updater thing - I've been unpacking required files manually. I did try the Updater - and ran into problems. So I stopped poking at it and stayed with the method that seems to work for me. Further to the Updater - it was horribly late at night, I was super tired and mostly on the way to a drunken stupor. I cannot discount user-error yet :)
  5. flappyhed

    What gives with 1.7.1?

    The one in green, at the top :)
  6. flappyhed

    Advice for 1.7.1

  7. flappyhed

    Advice for 1.7.1

    Ended up doing this as well.
  8. flappyhed

    More stupid questions:

    Do you have another weapon? If not, once you equip the torch (I think) it stays in your hand until you equip pistol (whereby you lose the torch), or a primary weapon (like a rifle).
  9. I had trouble using the Six Updater, so I grab the files manually and extract them directly into the 'addons' directory. It's a pain if I switch between servers running different versions, as I have to extract the right core files, but I get over it fairly quickly. I'm sure there is a way to create profiles to launch based on what version core files you are using - I've just not had the time to research it out. As for the "no entry bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons" error - just ignore it.
  10. flappyhed

    Advice for 1.7.1

    I think it takes 2-3 body shots from the Makarov to put down a Z. Single head shot only, though :)
  11. flappyhed

    Would love to play but

    Not every night time is pitch black - there are nights where the moon is out. Like others have said, search for a server that is still in daytime. Or use flares :)
  12. flappyhed

    Offline mode?

    There maybe some 'offline' mods for Arma 2 that have a Zombie theme. Ask the Internet for help!! :)
  13. flappyhed

    A slow inevitable death.. Help please

    Personally, I think the addition of coughing is a good thing. Makes it more of a challenge to sneak around :) If coughing *has* been removed from 1.7, then I hope enough voices are raised to help make it come back. Just my opinion, of course ;)
  14. flappyhed

    I cant believe it really....

    Unfortunately, the Internet is well know for it's ability to create misunderstandings. Especially if the text in question does not contain any context :) See what I did there? As for your current game experience, I'm sorry that you are unable to enjoy DayZ to its fullest extent. I'm sure satellite Internet is not the most 'game-friendly' service around, but if that is all you are able to get in your area, then I guess you have to put up with it. Perhaps you should do some reading around the forums to see if others in your position are asking for an 'off-line' mode. If there is a Suggestions portion to these forums, you should make a plea in there. You never know your luck. Further - even those of us with Carrier grade connections to the Internet suffer lag at times on the DayZ servers. Don't think you are totally alone out there.
  15. flappyhed

    A slow inevitable death.. Help please

    (almost) like real-life sickness :)
  16. flappyhed

    why do I lose blood?

    You probably have an infection. Your character is supposed to cough when you get an infection, but I read somewhere recently that one of the latest updates may have caused the coughing to not present itself any more. Try to find some antibiotics and see if that helps.
  17. flappyhed

    When are helicopters coming back?

    I recently saw the E3 interview with Rocket - from memory vehicles have been enabled on only 50 or so servers out of the many that are out there. Apparently there are 'issues' with them.
  18. flappyhed

    Random massive loss of blood?

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't sniped. That said, I was observing a building at the time, I could have missed another player. I had the building under observation from a prone position for at least 30-40 seconds *before* I started to crawl backwards under the tree. And just to clarify, I didn't spawn in that location - I'd been in game for a while and had been crouch running just prior to spotting the building. It could be that trees are more dangerous that you would believe on more hard-core servers. And General Balls - thanks! :)
  19. flappyhed

    Random massive loss of blood?

    Yes, this happened to me Sunday. I went prone to observe a building, then decided I was too exposed. So I crawled backwards so I'd be under the bough of a pine tree. Suddenly, I was unconscious, and lost 5K+ blood. First thought - I had been shot. So I waited for the coup de gras. It never came. So, I then thought maybe there was some random Z that was hiding in the woods, hit me... then decided to not eat me. Nothing around me. So, I think the tree ate me. Or at least tried too. I read somewhere that going prone over jagged ground can damage you, but I had a good look at the ground under the tree, and apart from being on a slight slope, there was no obvious jaggedness. So *shrug* I've got no idea what happened. So I call Bandit Tree!! And... first post!! Hi everyone :)