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About flappyhed

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  1. What happens when you try to join a server?
  2. flappyhed

    Beans 'n Bandages

    I second this.
  3. I followed the one that was on the DayZ mod website - it has moved to here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=408 I followed EXACTLY. Worked fine for me.
  4. I've been totally avoiding using the Six Updater thing - I've been unpacking required files manually. I did try the Updater - and ran into problems. So I stopped poking at it and stayed with the method that seems to work for me. Further to the Updater - it was horribly late at night, I was super tired and mostly on the way to a drunken stupor. I cannot discount user-error yet :)
  5. flappyhed

    What gives with 1.7.1?

    The one in green, at the top :)
  6. flappyhed

    Advice for 1.7.1

  7. flappyhed

    Advice for 1.7.1

    Ended up doing this as well.
  8. flappyhed

    More stupid questions:

    Do you have another weapon? If not, once you equip the torch (I think) it stays in your hand until you equip pistol (whereby you lose the torch), or a primary weapon (like a rifle).
  9. I had trouble using the Six Updater, so I grab the files manually and extract them directly into the 'addons' directory. It's a pain if I switch between servers running different versions, as I have to extract the right core files, but I get over it fairly quickly. I'm sure there is a way to create profiles to launch based on what version core files you are using - I've just not had the time to research it out. As for the "no entry bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons" error - just ignore it.
  10. flappyhed

    Advice for 1.7.1

    I think it takes 2-3 body shots from the Makarov to put down a Z. Single head shot only, though :)
  11. flappyhed

    Would love to play but

    Not every night time is pitch black - there are nights where the moon is out. Like others have said, search for a server that is still in daytime. Or use flares :)
  12. flappyhed

    Offline mode?

    There maybe some 'offline' mods for Arma 2 that have a Zombie theme. Ask the Internet for help!! :)
  13. flappyhed

    A slow inevitable death.. Help please

    Personally, I think the addition of coughing is a good thing. Makes it more of a challenge to sneak around :) If coughing *has* been removed from 1.7, then I hope enough voices are raised to help make it come back. Just my opinion, of course ;)