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Chicken McNiglett

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About Chicken McNiglett

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Chicken McNiglett

    Looking for Epoch/Overpoch Clan (MOD)

    The GHOST Clan is currently recruiting new members! We are a clan that specializes in the Dayz Epoch mod specifically. We own our own TeamSpeak server as well as have our own Dayz Epoch Chernarus server! Have any further questions? PM me or send us an email at [email protected]. All you have to do is fill out the application!! ==> http://dayzghostclan...com/recruitment
  2. Chicken McNiglett

    Looking to join or start a group

    The GHOST Clan is currently recruiting new members! We are a clan that specializes in the Dayz Epoch mod specifically. We own our own TeamSpeak server as well as have our own Dayz Epoch Chernarus server! Have any further questions? PM me or send us an email at [email protected]. All you have to do is fill out the application!! ==> http://dayzghostclan...com/recruitment
  3. Chicken McNiglett

    Need Guys to Play With

    The GHOST Clan is currently recruiting new members! We are a clan that specializes in the Dayz Epoch mod specifically. We own our own TeamSpeak server as well as have our own Dayz Epoch Chernarus server! Have any further questions? PM me or send us an email at [email protected]. All you have to do is fill out the application!! ==> http://dayzghostclan...com/recruitment
  4. Chicken McNiglett

    I am looking for a admin spot please read

    We have kicked him from both our clan and have banned him from TS server and our Epoch server. While with us, he claimed to be 15, be related to PsiSyndicate but when later asked by another member of the clan, claimed to be related to Jack Frags. After telling us all of this, he continually asked for an admin position and stated that he should have the admin spot because of his relations and that he can get all these people on our server with no trouble. Little did he know, I sent both Jack Frags and PsiSyndicate messages on both twitter and Facebook. I got a reply from both of them stating that I was not the first to come to him about Mitch claiming to be related to them and using them to try and gain admin spots on multiple server at once. Would not trust him one bit with an admin spot as who knows what he would do to the server that the poor victim had spent so much time and possibly money building.
  5. Chicken McNiglett

    GHOST Clan looking for new recruits to join our ranks!

    I would hit you up on steam if mine wasn't having a meltdown at the moment. One of our other admins will be trying to connect with you on steam, but in the mean time, If you'd like to know more, is there somewhere else I would be able to contact you? The areas where you can reach any of our admins are at; [email protected], message me on enjoin, join our TeamSpeak at DayzGhostClan.enjinvoice.com, or just send me a PM right on here.
  6. Chicken McNiglett

    Looking to join a Active Group/Clan For DayzEpoch

    The GHOST Clan is currently recruiting new members! We are a clan that specializes in the Dayz Epoch mod specifically. We own our own TeamSpeak server as well as have our own Dayz Epoch Chernarus server! Have any further questions? PM me or send us an email at [email protected]. All you have to do is fill out the application!! ==> http://dayzghostclan...com/recruitment
  7. Chicken McNiglett

    Searching for Standalone Partner

    No problem at all! Everyone has their own personal preferences and opinions and all I can do is respect that.