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Dogtag (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dogtag (DayZ)

  1. Dogtag (DayZ)

    Say Farewell to Item Wipes

    Gives me an excuse to change up my play style I suppose.
  2. Right now farting in the wrong key can cause a character wipe. Best not to get too attached to any of them.
  3. Dogtag (DayZ)

    Say Farewell to Item Wipes

    Like what just literally happened to me. Logged out with a nicely kitted character and logged onto a different server that had me fresh spawned. Moving back to the server I had come from still had me reset. My swear jar just overflowed.
  4. Dogtag (DayZ)

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Was originally going to try and replicate the hero skin from the mod, but ended up deviating from it a little.
  5. Shut up and take my beans!
  6. Dogtag (DayZ)

    I lost my teapot.

    Teapot? I think you mean marbles. :p
  7. Dogtag (DayZ)

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    Didn't find anything like you suggested, but I did find some hilarious videos. So thanks for that.
  8. Dogtag (DayZ)

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    Not by a long shot. I just find the whole internet tough guy routine to be boring.
  9. Dogtag (DayZ)

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    Such anger.
  10. Dogtag (DayZ)

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    I perhaps expected people to talk first before mindlessly pulling the trigger on someone who didn't pose a threat to them?
  11. Dogtag (DayZ)

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    Yeah, the paranoid murdering can detract from the experience a bit. I ran around in nothing but my underwear to see how people would respond to me. Out of around 20 or so people than I encountered, 18 murdered me without a word, one said something I couldn't quite make out and then murdered me, and one told me to go away in very colourful language.