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Everything posted by thesteroid

  1. thesteroid

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    Hey fellow survivors! I'm just dropping by to inform you guys about my experience with Smoking Ash Gaming and their servers. I've been playing dayz for a little over 2 years now on various maps and game modes ranging from the classic vanilla on chernarus to just about everything else there is to try out there. I recently downloaded the Namalsk server after hearing about it having little additions from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe including bloodsuckers, rail guns, etc. And I have to say, the MAP Namalsk is beautiful and great fun to play. Definitely one of the top layouts from current choices of dayz maps. HOWEVER, Smoking Ash Gaming's server in particular has got to be one of the most poorly maintained servers I've ever played on. Aside from the constant server disruptions that drop roughly 75%-100% of the players almost once every reset, the admins themselves are a complete joke. More like BADmins from what I've seen. They constantly ban people from their server in the middle of gameplay becacuse the get butthurt over something a player did even if they didn't violate the posted rules. For example, I myself was banned roughly 5-7 minutes after I joined the server and now I cannot rejoin. Every time I try to connect it says that I was banned by admin for "DISPRESPECT" (yes, with a p, idk why). I find this amusing and frustrating because I have no idea how I could have commited any act of "disprespect" during the 5-7 minutes I sat by the coast waiting for one of my clanmates to log on and join me for some zombie killing...I also find this quite disappointing considering this is one of the only Namalsk servers with any sort of population above 10-20, and it's run by 12 year olds who have a itchy ban hammer finger that apparently lands on the wrong person on a regular basis, the comments and reports above this post only seem to strengthen my belief that this is a regular thing. Anyways, because of this my clan of 16 players including myself have blacklisted this server and don't plan on returning, we will just have to find a lower pop Namalsk server and bring some life into it, at least that way we won't have to worry about badmins kicking us from the game in the middle of our survival experience. TLDR: PSA about the badmins in Smoking Ash Gaming and why my clan and I will be moving to a different server. Edited for grammar derp.