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Everything posted by walkerbait421

  1. walkerbait421

    What's Best To Carry

    My pref for a decent loadout: 4 bandages, 4 sidearm ammo, 3 primary ammo, 3 morphine, 2 water bottles, 2 sodas, 2 beans, 2 painkillers + Matches, hatchet, hunting knife, compass, map, a few cooked steaks.
  2. walkerbait421

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Sorry if this has been covered already - I scanned all the pages but didn't see this so here goes: What about verified hackers? We are not allowed to ban them? What about those caught disconnecting during firefight or exploiting/duping? We are having rampant problems with ghosters, teleporters, dupers, hacked heli spawns, etc, and I am just now able to prove this via script detection (and lots of research), but the rules basically say I can't do anything about it. Since BI/BattlEye and DayZ is not catching these or preventing this, is it OK for a server admin to if we go through the hours and hours of work to catch them with logs/video backing it up? We are also noticing an abundance of ghosting/disconnect cheating by players with blank names - I assume to avoid detection via player tags. The RCon shows lots of extended ascii characters but they show up in game as blank apparently. Can we disallow non-text and blank player names on our server, or will this get us blacklisted? Can you please clarify and update the rules above if needed? Thanks!
  3. Our server was set to MaxPing 200 originally, to test this out. Since then I have tried to increase it but after a scheduled daily restart it always sets back to 200, regardless of my new settings. I even removed the MaxPing line completely. Only way to change it after a restart is via BERCon. Anyone familiar with this, also getting this, or know a fix? It's like the beserver.cfg file is cached or something and can't change.
  4. walkerbait421

    MaxPing issues - anyone else?

    Think I figured it out. I'm also with HFB. There were 2 files in the cfgdayz/BattlEye folder: beserver.cfg (the one I was changing, with the server down) and BEServer_active_xxxx.cfg (xxxx being a random hex value I guess). Anyway, the _active_xxxx seems to be the one that is being loaded and thus needs to change or be deleted so there is only a beserver.cfg. Hope that helps.
  5. I've noticed that sometimes if I charge into an area too quick the loot will not spawn. If I make a point to get just within zombie spawn distance (like 200m) and wait for them to spawn (like 30-60sec) before getting closer, the loot is there. Noticed this effect a bit more with 1.7.2.
  6. Had several hours in 1.7.2 including as a new spawn and here is what I find: I like the new zombies, aggro logic and line of sight. They see you if they are facing you and you don't have cover. They seem smarter and it is more challenging. It does require more tactical and slow movement to avoid aggro. I agree they do see a bit too well/far during daytime. Zombies however are warping a bit more, I think they are sped up a bit from earlier maybe this has something to do with it. Warping through walls/doors is the same as before except now they seem to come into the buildings even faster with their quicker speed. Legs did not break after multiple hits so that looks good. General desync issues noted... not so bad on a seattle server but some strangeness with item pickup, drop, and a bit of rubber banding playing with group. Seems like overload on the hive? FPS was better in some situations, worse in others. Animals move around more and a bit quicker which is nice. Crowbars: They don't init as ready, you have to hit "F" first. Not sure if this is same as before (first time I tried one). Hatchets require reload after equipping (not fixed). Looted my butt off but did not find bear traps as advertised. Arma X friends still cannot get into server (1.7.2 + 94444 + Contingency). One of our team spawned dead in debug forest (not fixed). In summary, most of the zombie changes are positive IMO but could use some slight sight adjustment. Several bug fixes not quite fixed. Basically the same thing everyone else is saying but there you have it.
  7. walkerbait421

    Players should be recognizable as friendly or not friendly

    My suggestion: Disarm yourself if you want to be known as a friendly. Either put your primary in your backpack (if you have one big enough) or don't equip a primary at all. Keep your flashlight as secondary. This seems fairly realistic as well IMO. Of course some will still try to kill you if disarmed, but not nearly as many :) I'd love to see armbands or some kind of custom skin that groups can wear to better identify during CQC, etc.
  8. After spending at least a dozen hours trying to learn the log format/scripts/etc, I have decided there is just not enough information out there in order to fight hackers with definitive evidence for ban. This is something that really needs attention. I.e. a provided whitelist or blacklist of things to search for as well as an official script detection file. The one thing you can do (which we may do soon on our server) is enable nametags and go and video your hacker encounters for evidence and ban them (very time consuming and not very practical).
  9. walkerbait421

    Average Zombie Kills

    Actually, Zombies carry food, bandages and ammo. It can be helpful to kill them especially when there are fewer spawns i.e. deerstand, where the mil zombies have mil loot. Also if traveling in a group its basically impossible to avoid aggro even with, you can't really go stealth unless you are lone wolf.
  10. walkerbait421

    Average Zombie Kills

    Actually I think rocket said the stat counter only applies to those who are alive for at least 2 minutes, specifically for this reason.
  11. walkerbait421

    HFB Server Hosting for DayZ?

    Nothing but a great experience with HFB so far. Highly recommended.
  12. walkerbait421

    We need better server logs

    Please copy me as well, would really appreciate it. Agree 100% we need better stuff. We have been getting hacked heli spawns that simply do not show in the log.. (at least from what I can tell after searching for several hours and trying to learn the format). With no nametags and no vehicle injection logged, we are defenseless against this.
  13. Please help. We had a hacker on our server today who was flying around in a chopper (not the huey, but the other transport with the in-tail fan rotor). I could not find any relevant information in the logs and could not identify this person to kick/ban them. Any way to ID this from the logs? Thanks!
  14. walkerbait421

    For the love of....

    I'll jump on the me-too bandwagon. I didn't realize how bad it was until I just got into PVP while playing with a group. So far, every firefight has resulted in disconnecting cheaters (some even disappear after the killed message when you head shot them). And it seems at least 1/2 of them are also server hopping/teleporting to (try to) get behind you. Our [any] group is at a huge disadvantage by not cheating in this regard. Fortunately the cheaters also seem to be pretty bad in skill. As to complaints about people posting new threads about this: It's a hot topic, a serious "issue" and this forum is way too active to find all such related threads. Perhaps this one should get an "Official Disconnect Cheater/Exploit Thread" title?
  15. walkerbait421

    A Radical PVP Game Change? Take Sniper Rifles Out.

    Agreed. I think preventing disconnect/hopping exploits will have a very positive effect all around.
  16. walkerbait421

    US233 Vehicle Spawns

    I have a new server from HFB and we have vehicles.
  17. walkerbait421

    Power Of Server-Admins?

    Server admins can shut down/restart server, that is all. The other things you mention are from hackers not admins.
  18. Disregard. I spent several hours trying to put together definitive proof but I cannot. I only "show" a user disconnecting then reconnecting and disconnecting again. No video to match up the cheating parts to.
  19. It's not an option for servers and has been forced off for all in the newer builds. Admins have basically no control over the servers other than difficulty settings, server kicks/bans, and being able to restart it when its crippled.
  20. Setup a server with HFB and have had a great experience so far, and setup was fast (online within about 30 hrs after ordering). Support questions got answered within 24 hours. My only problem is the lack of time offset. My friends don't like to play in the dark. I hoped it wouldn't be a problem but it is. As suggested here, there should be certain servers set on inverse time offered as option (I'm sure it will be quite popular so all servers on a box can share the same inverse time). If this isn't offered very soon we may have to go another route unfortunately.
  21. Face it this is an apocalyptic murder sim... or at least that is what it has become. When I started playing I tried hard to play the role of a survivor but as with everyone else you quickly learn that you either become a predator or you are the prey. If you want to survive without being a murderer you must avoid all other contact with players, which is easy, but really boring. The PVP griefers have been very vocal and have exactly what they want here.... A way to get their sadistic kicks by ruining other's days over and over. Those that want a more realistic social environment with balanced incentives and rewards for humanistic behavior are IMO the majority but our wants obviously are not in the scope of things. In short, there is a big demand for balance in playstyles, but DayZ doesn't deliver (by the dev's own admission). It's so very close though, thus the frustration.
  22. walkerbait421

    Vehicle rarity/respawn?

    Just for reference, I've been playing over a month (daily) and have only seen 2 cars (being driven). No repairable cars found and I travel around a lot and usually a different server every session.
  23. walkerbait421

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    As a RL hog hunter (mostly archery) I agree with this. Realistically these animals are hard to sneak up on and they are FAST, able to run up steep terrain at high speed and travel long distances every day (10-20 miles). So at the very least they should move around, quite fast, stopping every now and then to feed... and if startled should run at least a few KM before stopping. And yes they will charge you sometimes, my buddy got a nice gash in his leg a few years ago and I've had to jump out of the way a couple times. It would be great to have some of this simulated with wild animals... most importantly the "bust" effect of startling them and having them run out of the area. Also handguns (except .44 mag) are useless against most game. The bullets will just piss them off. Finally, there is a fairly small kill zone in wild game (lungs/heart), and if you miss it you will rarely find the animal. Even good double-lung shots can result in an animal running a few hundred yards (especially hogs) needing tracking skills to find the animal. I know this isn't a hunting sim but hunting is part of this game and it would be great to see some of these aspects.
  24. That was .4 (bugged zombie aggro). Try .5.
  25. walkerbait421

    What Are Empty Cans For?

    With them in inventory use F key to set primary action to "Throw"... the longer you hold (lmb) the further they go. The zeds have to be close to hear it (I think like 10-15m) and they should slowly walk over in that direction. Glass bottles work best.