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Everything posted by FelpZ

  1. How to configure for my 1.7 dayz be like night and day? I tried I found no more file to edit!
  2. People could someone help me with this bug? Dayz hosted my 1.7 on my VPS or more when I try to get other people is only on a black screen;/ How do I do I resolve this? Ja'm kinda desperate since I bought the game with intent to play just that I'm not getting unfortunately;/
  3. Already searched everywhere but never think;/ a well edited that does not have many BUGS someone could tell me Aone tidy? would be grateful thanks to all.
  4. certain friend thank you for your answer I wanted to know where I can find some that you can edit to tell night and day? and save characters?
  5. Staff and the next I'm wanting to open a dedicated Dayz sure what type I have to have full play within my VPS? Or is to open the server only with the files from server?? I need the full game or just some files? ? who knows how to run tells me there please!