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Everything posted by roguerazr
I am having the same issue at the moment. Will try and see if there isn't a faster way to fix this. EDIT: Yup figured a much faster way. 1. Change your beta setting back to "NONE" 2. Restart Steam 3. Verify that DayZ now says "DayZ" and not "DayZ [experimental]" 4. If you attempt to start at this point the game errored out saying "Corrupted game files detected" 5. Right-Click > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache 6. This will bring up a loading bar and should re acquire some files. 7. Start the game!
I've had one bad encounter but 2 good ones. My first encounter was the bad one, kind of thought all the chumps had returned. I was minding my own business as a guy with a hammer came up and smacked me with it. I ran off and lost him. My next two encounters were much better. I met a group of 2 guys that were chatting together. I hid in a bush until one of them got too close and said hi over chat. He mistook me for his friend for a bit and we chatted about our experience so far and went our separate ways. My last encounter was good but unfortunate. I was up at NW and had just ate my last can of beans. I was getting more and more hungry. I was fully geared up, had a mosir with a scope I had found, a smaller pack with lots of med gear, survival stuff, and water. Then I had just found a .45 pistol, a mag, and some ammo (you need all 3 now!). Then a guy comes running in, I pulled my mosir out cause I didn't know who it was. I scared him a bit but told him I was friendly. He was asking me how to use his pistol and I told him about having to combine ammo with a mag then the mag with the gun. Then I realized I needed food, and just as he dropped some for me I pass out from starvation. For good :(
Ok, I have been using the GPS in DayZ for a bit now. It does an ok job but I really want to make it better and more useful. With most GPS systems you can make waypoints, and you can zoom in and out ect. It would be really cool if you could implement some of these into the game.
So glad Backpacks got mostly fixed in this update! Also so glad not to see any stupid artifacts Thanks Rocket, I can officially play this again.
There is no doubt this game is demanding. With everything at max, even my GTX 670 struggles staying above 30 in spots. Your mouse lag comes from this game harnessing a crap load of prerendered frames. You can minimize the effect by turning your "Mouse Smoothing" all the way low. You can find the setting under controls. I am curious how you got this game to run at all on your machine. My average RAM usage while playing is about 3.4GB and my old laptops 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo would constantly max out and cause stuttering. Plus the GT 240m graphics it had with 1GB of ram would only get me around 20-25fps with everything on very low. How ever I did play the game with a second monitor that was 1680x1050.
I can also confirm that DOES NOT fix the artifacting. There are 2 sources that it stems from on my screen: ~Dead soldier bodies ~Wire FencingTypically I can fix this by pressing Shift + [num -] and typing "flush" This will clear the screen and usually clear all the soldier bodies eliminating the problem. Occasionally you have to use this command multiple times to fix the issue. The problem seems to be less severe at lower graphics settings, turning objects to very low and textures to very low can sometimes fix the problem. Here is a list of my hardware and the settings I play on usually. Most of the time I will get artifacts for almost every city I visit. The only times I dont get artifacts are when the military bodies are glitched and invisible. (you can only see the shadows on the ground.) Windows 7 Pro x64 Asus P8Z77 WS motherboard Intel Core i5 3570k 16GB 2133MHz RAM (2x 8GB DIMMs) Gigabyte GTX 670 Windforce x3 2x 2TB HDDs RAID 0 Manual install of DayZ on the Steam version of Arma. I run the game with everything on "Very High" although I will usually reduce Object detail and textures to "Very low" if I see artifacts. Most other settings including AA and others dont seem to make a difference. I also have Vertical Sync turned on.
Going Unconscious upon entering a server (not in shock)
roguerazr replied to Epsilon 349's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I actually kind of like this bug. Prevents you stupid disconnecting night crawlers from ruining the game. -
In what order is the rarest guns in?
roguerazr replied to Skids (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'd certainly agree with hatchet being the most common. IMO the SVD Camo seems to be the rarest. Well really if you look at the numbers, all of the rare chopper weapons have the same spawn chance I think. (AS50, SVD, M107, L85A2, ect.) -
Server: US 1831 Time: 8/10/12 1:20 AM PST (UTC -7) Player in question: Snipedasniper What Happened: Was running up north near Vybor. Suddenly a player spawned ~100m in front of me. Then an ATV spawned right next to him. I ran over and shot the guy. In the context menu it gave me the option to take an RPG18 from his body. The weapon would not show in his inventory. I have Screenshot proof of both the context menu with the RPG18 and a Screenshot confirming the player name.
Morhpine Emergency - How about a BRANCH!!! ?
roguerazr replied to bionoman's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Apparently not paradox, if this was in the forum database this thread would have been deleted long ago. If you think it should be merged with another forum post, then give a link :) -
Morhpine Emergency - How about a BRANCH!!! ?
roguerazr replied to bionoman's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Just thought I would bump this, as it would be a very helpful feature. I'm starting to get tired of carrying 3 sets of morphine now. -
I wouldn't recommend going dual core with this game. While the GTX 560 graphics will give you smooth FPS, you will get hangs and hitches from running the CPU at 100%. This game is RIDICULOUSLY CPU intensive. I just put together a $1500 rig based on the 3570k and I typically sit around 60% usage. The laptop my new rig replaced was a 2.8GHz Dual core that would constantly hiccup and freeze. If your budget is that low, I would recommend either really skimping on the monitor, or waiting till you have a bit more. Especially because in a year from now, your rigs not really going to play much at all. I'll play around on newegg and see if I cant put something together though. EDIT: Merry Christmas... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115074 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130614 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104221 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127691 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148764 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118067 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811121002 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824160082 Total cost: 644 bucks with monitor.
I support this idea. BTW, military weapons are not uncommon to find in civilian hands. There is a gun store down the street from me that has a Barrett .50 on display, as well as an M60, and several different AR15s and MP5s. I even have a friend that owns a $7000 M6 with the 7.62mm barrel, 3x mag into holographic sight, and a muzzle break. There are several weapons that i really want to see in this game.
Morhpine Emergency - How about a BRANCH!!! ?
roguerazr replied to bionoman's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I actually really support this idea. While not being the most realistic, it does make sense and it fixes the reason why broken legs are game ending for most players. Basically, when you break your leg, you first need to make a splint, considering you can use almost any item for this, you shouldn't need to pick up anything to make the splint. All you need is like a 30 second or 1 minute animation. Then once your leg is psplinted you can get up and move around, but your movement is hampered and you have a good chance of falling or passing out. Then the morphine would be used to fix the labored movement and stop you from falling over. -
I know what you mean. I can be out running around in the night while its pooring and be at nearly full temp a lot of times. Then randomly it will drop out of no where. I think weather should have a larger effect, but also be much more gradual. Really though, antibiotics need to be more common as well if this is to be messed with.
I would hate to see a central single city on the map. Chernarus is already like that a bit (2 big cities right next to one another). I think it would be better to have 3 or 4 larger cities with good loot dotted around the map. Would also prefer if you didn't start in one of those big cities either.
I would be leaning more towards a whole new area. As in leave Chernarus and have an all new world for DayZ. I have heard a lot of rumors about DayZ becoming a standalone bit of software based on the Arma engine rather then a mod. With these rumors, I have heard more that there will be an entirely new map designed that will incorporate more what Rockets vision of what the game should be like. I have a great suggestion for an area that would be really dynamic and interesting for a game like this. NW Oregon/SW Washington. I am not making this suggestion just because I live there or because its part of the US or anything along those lines. The reason I suggest it is that this location is extremely dynamic. We have many different climates, many different kinds of landscape, and also a fantastic mix between very urban environments to very rural areas. For example, Portland a very modest urban city compared to Banks a very small town will not much around. In the Pacific NW, particularly around like the Portland area, we have deserts, forests, mountains, plains, grass/farmlands, snow, rain, heat, warm, and cold all in one place. I think that is what will make it a fun dynamic area to host a cool game. I should also say, dont copy it directly, although it would be cool, just use an area that is dynamic like this one is.
No dude, the way bleeding works in this game is fine. There is still a chance you will stop bleeding. Also it would be kind of lame if i shot a guy and he Alt+F4s into another server and doesnt bleed to death on log in like he deserves.
The bleeding does have a small chance to stop. Typically it will take you down all the way to around 2000 blood though, and that is starting around 10k. It would be nice to see a more dynamic blood loss system, but I think we will have to wait for Arma 3 for anything like that to be implemented.
Although it would be nice to have a completely new inventory system. Its not really possible. In modding Arma 2 there is only so much you can change. Unfortunately the inventory system is so embeded into arma's core its not really possible to change how it works. I'm sure its easy for rocket to change how it looks, but he cant change how it functions. With that being said, it is still a great suggestion and maybe something the Devs can look into for Arma 3.
The "endgame" is when you die lol. When you get to playing this game long enough you get to realize how you shouldn't attach your self to anything. Basically we just run around up north getting all the sick weapons, NVGs, rangefinders, and coyote packs. Then we run down south and either spy on people or kill as many as we can before we die lol.
Date/Time: 7/9/12 12:45pm PST What happened: My primary weapon was deleted from my inventory. It was a L85A2 TWS that I legitimately looted from a heli crash. Where you were: South of NW airfield What you were doing: Just installed patch and logged in *Current installed version: 1.7.2/94444 *Server(s) you were on: US 404 *Your system specs: N/A *Timeline of events before/after error: I logged out last night after just looting a heli crash on the patch. I had my L85A2 in my primary inventory, a PDW in my primary inventory, and a Bizon in my backpack. I manually installed the new 1.7.2 patch today. Upon login, my character had switched to his secondary weapon, and my L82A2 was missing. The rest of my inventory including the Bizon in my pack was all intact.
My L85A2 TWS got deleted =( Still glad to see the update. Seems to be an issue causing server instability though.
Last night, I was on a mission to repair a broken ATV atop the mountain between Elektro and Cherno. After finally gathering a new engine, a wheel, and some fuel. I headed up the mountain and fixed it. On the way down however everything went wrong. I attempted to cross the train tracks, so I could get on the main road and book it north. I hit the tracks going to fast and flipped up in the air. I landed rather hard, breaking a leg and cutting my self open. I quickly opened my back and searched for a bandage but then it dawned on me that I had used the last one patching up another survivor. I administered myself a dose of morphine and began searching for a bandage, I started feeling woozy and new the end was near. I ran up to the lighthouse and radioed my friend to come pick up my stuff. I passed out... It must have been quite a while, I woke under the sun, despite the fact it had just gotten dark before the accident. I looked down at my bloody leg to find it had clotted. Rejoiced that I may actually live, I made my way to Elektro in order to potentially find my self some food. It was slow progress getting to the city as I dragged my injured body, passing out every few minutes. Once I made it to the city, I immediately began scavenging. I checked building after building unable to find much of anything. I started getting desperate and ventured further into the city. I heard gun shots. While this scared me, due to the several dead survivors I had found, it was also comforting to know some one else was there. I found my self hopeful of coming across another survivor despite getting in several firefights with them in the past. I entered a diner, and found a can of pasta. I ate it it up in seconds even though it was dead cold. When I looked up is when I saw him. A guy sprinting down the street, into the grocery store next door with several zombies in pursuit. I called out for his help and he responded explaining he was friendly and didn't want any trouble. I told him I was in the diner across the street and desperately needed a blood transfusion. Thankfully he came over, but explained he didn't have a blood pack to administer the transfusion. I had him check my pack and there it was. He administered it as fast as possible. I saw he had a revolver, and so I gave him all the extra .45 ACP I could muster and then booked it out of the city as fast as I could. I am very grateful of this survivor, although I didn't catch his name. He saved me from loosing my Kobra, my 1911, my Alice pack, and all the extra ammo I had found. Its good to know that through all the chaos, murder, and death. There are other survivors still willing to help others.
Got saved by a survivor today!
roguerazr replied to roguerazr's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion