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About Bernardusaurus

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Bernardusaurus

    Ammo Combinations

    Hell, make it 999! That would be super helpful!
  2. Bernardusaurus

    Grenades Threat.

    The trap with the pin and the round wouldn't work. Touching the primer with a pin isn't what sets it off. The pin needs to have force behind it to create energy to set it off, which fires the round. Stepping on it wouldn't be enough.
  3. Bernardusaurus


    The only thing about this is that there is too much food spawning for this ever to be a necessity.
  4. Bernardusaurus


    Rocket, if you read this, please don't listen to these guys. I've had more fun running away from super infected than I have in a long time playing a game. If possible, can you make it so that I spawn with no legs and I have to let them grow before I can run away? That way I can have maximum hardcores.
  5. You can use any past build then. What you should be asking for is for someone to run a server with the previous build on it.
  6. Bernardusaurus

    "refill" Magazines

    Sadly, no. You can in some other Arma 2 mods, so hopefully the feature makes it's way to DayZ, but as of now, you can't.
  7. Bernardusaurus

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Whoo! Good work, man.
  8. With no cleaning up. Not even pausing Scrubs. d: I'm a lazy mess. I know.
  9. Bernardusaurus

    Long term survival is pointless

    I've been alive for over a week now. If you're careful and stay away from major areas, you'll be just fine. I haven't even seen a player other than my bro for like 4 days.
  10. Bernardusaurus

    Is humanity permanent?

    Humanity will be there though. It'll come back to you.
  11. Bernardusaurus

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Is there a changelog we can see now?
  12. Bernardusaurus

    Clear Sky Nights are TOO DARK!!!

    They're not DayZ's nights. They're ArmA's.
  13. Bernardusaurus

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    I mean, it's an awesome feature, but I'm not sure it fits with the mod. I thought in this post-apocalyptic state, there wasn't any power on purpose.
  14. Bernardusaurus

    Remove NVGs.

    How could you even know someone killed you with NVGs? Don't draw so much attention to yourself.