guys, damn god. I have downloaded and installed from Bohemian Interactive the ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 combined operations both STEAM versions, so i activated them on Steam and lauched them. My target was DayZ mod. damn god. Three days, three days trying to get it. First i tried on Steam, i downloaded the DayZ mod from steam. First it gave me a error because of missing any content in the folder. I read some topics and fixed it. Then i opened the game and i can't connect to any damn server, because "my version it's too old", so i updated it even with dayzcomander and it cant be out of date! it is the last: 1.8 !!! Second, once i managed to connect to a damn server, and i spawned as a bird. I read some topics in which it said that its spectator mode, well, i dont give a **** about spectator mode, i want to play and there was no way. So i tried to launch a lan game, on my poor own, but yeah... this didn't work as well goddamn! Nothig works! how is it possible? i got a windows 8, i bought it 1 week ago, i have 1000GB free space and 12 GB RAM, intel core i7 4700! however, arma 2 and OA both work fine, so why do the expansions not work??????? i tried play WITHsix i tried DayZ commander, i tried everything. For three fucking days i read ten hundread topics and almost killed my computer. i even tried runing steam as admin, that doesnt fix it. Some one who could be my last hope please help me, i don't know what to do, usually i always managed to fix things on my own, but this game keeps on giving me ten thousand bugs for every little thing. P.s. i get no missions in my Dayz mod when i want to launch a lan game, so i cant even have missions goddamn! and in my i44 (because i also tried that) i spawn as i girl, a damn ***** girl! wihout weapons and clothes. and without landscape and soldiers around. HELP. thanks in advance