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About tim1256

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tim1256

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    So will this new patch go on DayZCommander anytime soon? Like Seaweed said I rather have a buggy server then a empty one.
  2. tim1256

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I personally love the patch. I'm just having some issue's getting everything working on my highly modded server. I have 2 questions: Can we by anychance get the ability to create custom loadouts trough the database back. (This hasn't been working since the HiveEXT.dll update in 1.7.7). Is the CHILD:999 function removed or did it change? I can't read assembly so decompiling the .dll won't really help and I don't think this patch is on github. Btw is there any chance I could get one of the modders on skype I got some questions and would love to contribute to the dayz mod I'm a university Game Technology student and love to do arma scripting in my spare time.
  3. tim1256

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Sounds great! Any idea on when this will be "updateable" through DayZCommander? I would love to update but I'm scared half my players won't understand how update their Arma/DayZ without DayZCommander
  4. tim1256

    DYSTOPIA supporting glitching and cheaters

    Hi there, Even tho this post is going to be deleted soon because if this guy would of read the rules he should you are not suppose to be "reporting" private servers. Anyway, Hi I'm Royal, I own the server that we call Dystopia. I've been running this server with lots of love and hard work for players like this guy to play on for free. Its such a shame people like this are trying to make my server look back. We work really hard to make this server as good as it can be. It's currently rank 12 but it was rank 3 before. We run shitloads of anti-cheat detecting and I always keep a close eye on players that are playing better then average. I can tell you there is no way these guys are cheating and neither am I "favoring" them over anyone else. Even better I banned multiplpe players of both clans in question several times (for harrasing). All players on my server are equal and I would never favor certain people or allow them to hack. Besides that I have no clue who this guy is and probably just trying to troll. Would appreciate if the topic got locked/deleted because its just trying to give my server a bad name. Thanks in advance, Royal