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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Stupid kid, go back to playing COD we don't want you here.
  2. Yeah I got it yesterday aswell. It won't give you a gameplay advantage/disadvantage but it sure looks alot better. More then happy to pay them 15 euro for it to show my support.
  3. Well its not intended so it must be a bug, sorry bro tough luck.
  4. Wow very good work, looks beutiful. Lets hope the dev team takes notice. Btw, your old thread probably got deleted after the forum got hacked, which forced them to do a rollback.
  5. Yeah I get what you saying and agree, not sure what could be done though. But making it so your only able to join a server thats 80% full? How are you going to get it up to 80% in the first place if people can't join? :p
  6. Lol, sounds like someone is trolling you. If you delete the @DayZ folder you'll delete the entire mod.
  7. This happenes to me aswell sometimes, best anwser I can give you is play on a low ping & population server to avoid as much of it as possible.
  8. Yeah it sucks, but at least there is some comfort in knowing they will get insta banned right after.
  9. I've been using the PDW over the last couple of days and I can't say I like it that much, the iron sight is not that good and very low damage compared to other guns. Its very fast though and can use lots of different ammo. But overall I prefer the Glock over PDW, the Glock got a decent amount of bullets in its mag (17) with an okey fire rate and damage. Also alot more quiet then the PDW, and you get a flashlight in case you'd ever need one.
  10. LOL! seriously, all these threads man, its hillarious.
  11. You should have a look over at the ban section of the DayZ forum. Its hillarious to read all the pathetic excuses, rage posts, crying kid posts etc, having a really good laugh!
  12. Damn I would've payed to see what was written in here :p
  13. Yes I know its sad and bloody annoying but the devs are working on it right now, be patient.
  14. I feel your pain bro, luckily it haven't happened to me as of yet. But please keep in mind this is a mod which means its free, therefore Rocket does not NEED to do anything about this. Even if we did pay him for this game he does not NEED to do anything. Still, I'm very sure Rocket are looking in to this as we speak, actually hes mentioned he is several times. Just be patient, its nothing you solve in a matter of minutes, needs time.
  15. I know how you feel, fortunately this is getting fixed in the new patch so no worries mate.
  16. Well, if traps gets added to game it sure as hell going to make NW airfield alot more intresting then it allready it is, or cherno for that matter. But yeah I'm all for traps, just give everyone a fair chance to detect/escape them and we'll be fine.