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Ryex (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Ryex (DayZ)

  1. Date/Time: 5/11/2012 / Sometime after midnight?

    What happened: We were going to refuel our UH-1H after completely repairing it, save for the engine (which was only orange not red) so we flew to a place with a large gas tank, started filling it up and when then Huey was full we were going to fly it back to our camp. As we took off the server crashed/restarted and we were back in the middle of our camp, some repairs were undone and all the gas was gone. It looked like most of our items were still intact. So we decided to fix the helicopter again (only needed one part this time most previous repairs were still there) Started to take off when my connection or the servers connection lagged and the helicopter crashed into the ground. At the time all I was doing was throttle plus, hand wasn't on mouse nor my joystick at the time.

    My crew chief and door gunner informed me that on their screen the helicopter was upside down and went into the ground.

    Our UAZ was completely gone and the helicopter was a flaming wreck.

    after surviving the "crash" we were all low blood and broken, we bandaged ate some meat and took morphine/ pills to get health back up.

    So we asked the admin if he would reset the server again and if we were lucky it would roll back to the same location.

    Instead of rolling back to the time when our helicopter was fine and uaz was fine the server put us back to the state of almost no blood, and now the tent we had, the UAZ and helicopter were all gone.

    One of our buddies, steakslim, made it too our camp and placed a tent near where our last tent was maybe by 4 am(CMT) and filled the tent with gear so we could restart our new stockpile...

    Then this afternoon (roughly 2pm central) our stuff was rolled back to us and we had our helicopter, UAZ, and our tent back. We used the UAZ to pick up some of our buddies and get more fuel, all items were saved at various times (sorry we lost track of time playing) then the server crashed, again, everyone was scattered around, when everyone rallied back to our camping spot EVERYTHING, including our new tent, was gone.

    Unfortunately all times are estimations.

    Where you were: various locations if a moderator PMs me I will give exact details but do not want to reveal our camp location or our safe location for fuel.

    What you were doing: trying to refuel/survive.

    *Current installed version: dayz_code 1.5.6

    *Server(s) you were on: FR1

    *Your system specs: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T, AMD Radeon HD7970 and a shitty Comcast connection.

    *Timeline of events before/after error: all covered in main body.

    Attached is several pictures showing all items, except for the second tent, located at the following URL:

