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Magnet (DayZ)

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About Magnet (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Not Dead Yet

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  1. Magnet (DayZ)

    dayz on consols such as xbox and ps3

    Does anyone remember Operation Flashpoint on X-Box? Bwahahaha. Mag.
  2. Magnet (DayZ)

    proper gun care

    Yes actually, not maintaining your weapon (meaning cleaning daily) especially when in the field is subject to disciplinary action where I come from. Generally it is expected that if you are in an extended halt you will rotate members of your section to field clean weapons. And yes, while the AK47 is a robust and rather reliable weapon, without proper maintenance it's performance degrades. Needless to say, most of the weapons in DayZ currently aren't derivatives of the AK and where not having been utilised by military personnel or thorough civvies the condition of weapons would be somewhat questionable. So, in short I'm all for the idea. As always, it's a matter of implementation. Magnet
  3. It enables us to test the mechanics affecting players in latter stages of play as there will always be players starting at square one. We may do something that affects high tier equipment, players who have a certain skin or perhaps even people who have been alive a certain amount of time. It's nice to be able to identify any issues as quickly as possible and work on resolving them rather than requiring everyone to rebuild only to discover some game breaking super bug with some new or accidentally broken feature days or weeks down the track. At the current stage of development it's making sense for us to keep doing things as we're doing them now however I am a big fan of scratching things and giving everyone a level playing field at appropriate times. I'm sure it will happen sooner or later, and probably a few times (if not quite a few) during testing. For now we'll just see how things keep traveling. Magnet
  4. Magnet (DayZ)

    C-130 Crashsite

    What a valuab Ma
  5. Magnet (DayZ)

    U mad?

    Useless troll thread is useless. Locked. Mag.
  6. Hi Guys, Just taking this opportunity to advise that if you have lost items or character due to this issue, we can not retrieve them for you. Obviously we're sorry for the downtime and any resulting issues but trust that we are working hard to stop these things occurring for the future. Thank you for being patient and sticking with us! Kind Regards, Magnet
  7. Magnet (DayZ)

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    It's how we roll. Magnet
  8. Magnet (DayZ)

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Since your server is already set up and whitelisted it will continue to operate for the time being. Once you are set up on our new system we will be able to migrate everything that we need over from the old method. After a certain amount of time we will begin blacklisting servers that aren't complying with requirements or aren't making the effort to get onboard with the new system. But to address you main point, during the whole process you shouldn't suffer any downtime. Magnet
  9. Magnet (DayZ)

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    Hi Everyone, Due to the overhaul of our communication and ticketing systems there may be some delay in processing newly submitted tickets as we continue to process and eliminate outstanding entries. I will also be populating the knowledgebase with details on commonly encountered and recurring issues along with what actions you should take or at the very least an answer to your inquiry. This will hopefully cut down on time spent constantly replying to the same things over and over again and will allow for continued focus on community issues and further development! As the migration to the new system occurs you may find that some e-mails or tickets will be closed without reply. Nine times out of ten this will be because you have asked a question where the answer is either blatantly available either on the forums/knowledgebase or will be populated to the knowledgebase in the near future. So, bear with us as we iron out any kinks. This new system is a major step forward in how we process communications with you guys and gives us a solid system that can be referenced when seeking answers to questions or issues. Kind Regards, Magnet
  10. Magnet (DayZ)

    Spawning inland ?

    Maybe you didn't kill him dead? Mag.
  11. It's amazing what some people spend their time doing so it wouldn't surprise me if someone would get kicks from creating and posting a story such as this. However, thanks for posting the information you did. Sadly it still doesn't help. As said, we've not received BattleEye notifications regarding any false positives so I find it strange that they've told him it's not them. It would be nice to know what message he is getting when he is kicked. So again, until something containing verifiable information comes forth that can clarify the actual issue then this thread was either created under the false pretense that global bans are to blame by way of incorrect information or intentional troll OR..... actually, no... that's about it. Mag.
  12. Magnet (DayZ)

    =( some people are mean.

    lol! That's gold, if only you'd FRAPs'd it! Mag.
  13. How about your 'friend' contacts us with some of the correspondence he has had with BattleEye. You say he's not banned by BE and they're looking into it but the whole post was based on the report of it being a global ban. Personally the whole story reeks and it would be appreciated if actual evidence would start being presented if you wish to continue discussions. As it stands I am getting the impression that you are trying to troll the community with a BS story. Mag.
  14. Magnet (DayZ)

    A DayZ Dedicated Hack Site?

    LINK REMOVED Regardless of your intent please use common sense in posting things to a public space. It is quite easy to request the team to contact you or to otherwise contact us privately before placing possibly dangerous information in an area where just anyone can get it. A 40% warning is issued taking into consideration; - No attempts apparently made to be discreet or contact the team privately. - Site is potentially bogus and a money maker. - It is unlikely you just happened to find a hack site dedicated to DayZ without something sus going on... Thread left open for any discussion, don't link... Magnet