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Everything posted by WhiteLight

  1. WhiteLight

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    All of the info from the announcement sounds great so far. I wonder what isn't going so well for the dev team, or what they are having the most difficulty with. Death in DayZ the mod I believe does not bring enough consequence because a player can easily respawn in order to run to their body, run to their tent, get a more desirable spawn etc. This is something that I feel raises that game vs realism topic and is something that would be hard to asdress without large consequences to the player (like waiting 10 mins to log onto a sever after death). It is something that has not stopped me playing dayz for the past half year or in the future as I often enjoy doing it. However I wonder how many more potential experiences I could have had if every life was treated like my last. I can see this issue arriving when it is just better for a player to respawn when they've caught cholera and run back to their tent rather then being forced to go out and find a cure. Players would have to comply in all situations as death has a greater consequence.
  2. WhiteLight

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Seriously don't post if you have no idea.
  3. WhiteLight

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Wow, what a sook of a post. Really? Now you actually have to think about when to use your ammo. To those that keep bringing up the debug monitor issue, this has already been stated by Rocket! If you use default your blood, thirst, food etc monitors will show up their correct colours. However, the debug option does infact show the debug monitor but ur food/water indicators will always be GREEN even if you are starving, thirsty, bleeding etc. THIS IS NOT A BIG DEAL! In fact many have found it more immersive as you don't know if the guy you just shot is actually dead unless you visually inspect your shot and their body. Back to the tents/vehicle saving I thought it has always been whenever you interact with either they automatically save, and the save option was just there for a manual save??
  4. WhiteLight

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket you legend! Thank you. Wipe the hive or 1.7.3?
  5. WhiteLight

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    For the players who voted no you are not being realistic. This mod is in development and needs a reset in order to continue to gather non-biased data and it seems most are extremely attached to their characters. This is a good thing as it shows the potential staying power of this game even in its current state, but for the sake of its development it is a no brainer to wipe the hive.
  6. WhiteLight

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    The mod is a long way overdue of a hive wipe. The value of items has been non-existent for weeks as they are being duplicated over and over again.
  7. WhiteLight

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Absolutely agree with this.
  8. WhiteLight

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Wow, I seriously hope you are trolling. If you are not, firstly you ARE AN OXYGEN THIEF!!! Secondly you are not hacking, you are a mere script kiddie. Thirdly it is immature little kids like you that do not deserve to be playing such alpha. Shooting on sight is part of the game and it is obviously too hard for you.
  9. WhiteLight

    The golden days of DayZ are over...

    Wow sick of people saying get a new anti hack system, battle eye is no good etc etc. ARMA 2 at the core is very mod/script friendly, as it is a military simulator and was never designed for competitive multiplayer! But no matter how many times this have been stated by the developers and the community, people still post about it. Standalone will be a lot better as the game can be designed at the ground up to prevent these 12 year old script kiddies.
  10. WhiteLight

    Rezzed & 1.7.2

    Thanks for the reply rocket! You are a legend. All the best with the upcoming workload. Just stay true to yourself and DayZ will continue to shine!
  11. No if people ALT F4 they still remain in the game for the length of the disconnect period.
  12. These problems are definately the most important to the mods success besides hacking, but the OP's suggestion is not the solution. There is however a very simple solution. Loot not spawning near players reconnect location needs to actually work. Combine this with a disconnect timer which should be around 30+ seconds in which one cannot interact with their player, unless they cancel the disconnect. This will increase the time it takes the player to migrate to another server whilst also putting them at risk from other players and zombies if they try and disconnect in a high traffic area such as barracks, hospitals, or if they have aggroed zees etc. It will also decrease the amount of shooting on sight as consequences made from player decisions must be experienced rather than disconnecting. I believe this will increase the immersion significantly as game mechanics cannot be exploited. Zombies will be more of a threat, shooting other players will actually have consequences and loot requires movement around the map as disconnecting/reconnecting will be extremely risky for a smaller reward (as loot will not spawn near player's reconnect location)
  13. WhiteLight

    DayZ analysis

    Personally I believe the game should not get any easier for new players as it is. See the thing is DayZ is so good because once you do succeed or achieve your own mini goal you actually appreciate it and the experience that came with it. All your mini self discoveries or deaths lead up to that moment and you know what is at stake. Games like these are rare and aren't for everybody. Personally I am sick and tired of games that hold your hand, tell you what to do, say "Well done you just completed/killed/beat" etc. Once you have your own success/experience and stop comparing yourself to other players you will see why this game is so special despite it's alpha/game engine bugs.
  14. Gonna have to chime in.. There is absolutely no doubt that first person is much more immersive and makes you shit bricks. Often at times I will delibrately play first person, on a third person enabled server to get that feeling of reality. I believe that most people defending third person know this but feel more secure with third person viewing.
  15. WhiteLight

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    With most games players want to win, or be the best. Surviving without a gun can be just as satisfying if not more more exhilarating. This is a harsh game which creates memorable stories and is why it is so successful, but it is not for everyone. There is NO GOAL or END to this game. In the last game I played that same pistol I found in the shed was lost because I was running through the woods pitch black, changed to my torch when suddenly realising I dropped my pistol to the ground (Instead of clearing 5 spots in backpack I dropped to ground to switch to torch with the obvious intentions to pick it back up). I spent the next 10 minutes searching the ground for my gun. I did not find it. This was pretty frustrating but at the same time I also somehow appreciated it I should have known better. What other game is so punishing that if you make a mistake with your inventory management you could drop your gun in the dark and lose it forever. "You'll have to be clear on what's a "wrong place and wrong time" as it seems going anywhere at any time falls into that spectrum." Sure it was broad, but there is always another way. Always something you could have done differently. Sure you can have bad luck, but you can definately decrease the chances of death from anything in the game.
  16. WhiteLight

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    No starting weapon is great do not change. For those who are complaining 99% of their stories are just because they put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. My first char since no pistol spawning I took my time, looked over towns before I entered (for zombie locations, other players) to decrease my chance of eventual death. Spawn rates seemed perfect, found food, drinks, and eventually a hatchet after about 1 hour gameplay. This allowed me to take on those single zombies in sheds without anymore agro and led to a pistol. No starting weapon is not only more realistic but it also decreases the number of players that just want to join a server and grief. They have to now actually think about shooting and the consequences it brings because it actually took time to find their gear. Long story short, this is an ANTI-GAME not a hold your hand and every single survivor starts with a weapon game.
  17. No. Like the idea but this punishes certain playstyles in a game which thrives off player choices. Most Pking happens when players first spawn in busy areas, and this would be useless as their heartbeat would be low because they havn't killed yet, thus not changing anything. Unless this humanity figure carries over to new characters. I think there has to be an easier or more accessible way for players to help each other which I believe could come about with no weapon at spawn and decreased spawning of supplies.
  18. There is X chance of a zombie to spawn with a particular building and I am guessing there is a max and min amount of Zombies to be spawned near that building at any given time. Firstly I think it is annoying and unrealistic at times with the current spawning system as one can risk taking out say 7-15 zombies around a couple of houses with them only to spawn in the area straight after. There needs to be more of a time reward in doing this, which gives the player a sense of clearing out the small town and a chance to loot. Of course this wouldn't be a long time, I'm talking approximately 5-10 mins before zombies start spawning in the town again. My next suggestion is to have a very small chance for a zombie to spawn in the wilderness, forest etc. Of course the chance of spawn would be so low it would be extremely rare, but I'm sure if DayZ was real you would get the occasional lone bush walker. This would also at times negate the mentality of knowing whenever you see a zombie a building must be nearby.
  19. WhiteLight


    Only Dayz would make someone disconnect in fear! :)
  20. Finally a game that has some emotion and freedom! I have been waiting for so long for such an experience and the game is only in alpha. If you havn't read this interview with Dean Hall you probably should. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/05/16/day-z-interview-how-zombies-arma-2-created-gamings-best-story-machine/ The underlying concepts of the game are so simple but so effective in providing a player driven experience. It makes me wonder how such a game hasn't been developed already, but it is obvious these days that big developers create games for the masses. Players are told what to do, when to do it and this decreases feelings of achievement and detaches them from said game. There are also few games out there that make the player place so much emphasis on their life/playthrough, and personally this is what I have been searching for. The fact that I could die and lose everything creates many feelings and it is this kind of attachment that will drive players back to the game after raging for a couple of days over their last death. DayZ will remain enticing and exhilarating as long as the basic concepts of player choice and high risk gameplay remain. I just want to wish Dean Hall all the best and hope this MOD maybe even one day standalone game continues to shine! I am now a member of these forums and will continue to support the game with the rest of the community!
  21. Yes I don't mind getting a few bugs here and there, it is actually quite funny at times however like you said one must maintain a refrained mentality as enjoyment could begin to slip. But it is literally the first game I have played in a long time that has giving me such an on edge experience.