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Everything posted by nikom7

  1. nikom7

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    If the devs are so lazy about the ammunition types, why didn't they let the AKM fire 7.62x51s? Btw I've seen on the Wiki that the 7.62x54R is confirmed
  2. nikom7

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    It's like the weapon was made for me, very accurate, high caliber, and can fire full auto (for very close ranges)
  3. nikom7

    Did I miss something?

    I just read in the wiki, that the rounds the Mosin Nagant is chambered in, are 7.62x51, weren't they the x54. Because the the x51 are the NATO version, and there were no x51's back then. Did they change the x54s to x51s for some new weapons, and then add new x54s?
  4. nikom7

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    Be careful when trying to skin a human next time, make sure you don't stab him too deep, because this will happen again.
  5. nikom7

    Did I miss something?

    Good, if DayZ is going to teach people who know nothing about guns and calibers, then at least teach them the right calibers
  6. nikom7

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    I'm crying FrostDMG, you are known all over the forum for your thread.
  7. nikom7

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    Sometimes it just sucks to live in Germany, but still disgusting though
  8. nikom7

    Did I miss something?

    Well, there are 7.62x39s, wouldn't be too bad if they had 7.62x54s and 7.62x51s
  9. nikom7

    Zombie caught attacking cow in Pustoshka!

    You all remember how Dale died
  10. nikom7

    Better reloading

    Well it shouldn't, R should normally load the bullets (one by one and not as fast as right now in the mosin), and clips would significantly reduce reloading speed. That would be a better reason for the clips to excist
  11. nikom7

    The TANK Thread

    Yes that'd be the antitank gun for the tanks I listed
  12. nikom7

    The TANK Thread

    Well, there's an island in chernarus, to the south-east. And the map can be extended,after alpha, perhaps, maybe, or not, but anyways there will be different maps, as in the mod, so AAVs could be useful there :P
  13. nikom7

    M4 Silencer

    Silencers and suppressors are the same, silencer is just an unofficial term
  14. nikom7

    Admins kick to kill you

    They should remove he 30 secs or 1 minute that the character stays on the server if lost connection or kicked (and should be task-manager proof)
  15. nikom7

    The TANK Thread

    The LAV can float as it is a amphibious recon vehicle
  16. nikom7

    The TANK Thread

    Ok here's my wishlist: M1 Abrams T-90 T-72 T-62 M60 Patton M24 Chaffee T-34-85 T54 M113 BMP-1 BMP-2 LAV-25 AAV Amtrack
  17. nikom7

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    I know how to tell if a Betacmag or a 7.62x39 drum, it was 1 drum, did not like the betacmag (2 drums connected)
  18. nikom7

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    No I don't think im that stupid, and number 100 was in the inventory on the Drum mag
  19. nikom7

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    I've seen a screenshot and there was a 100 round drum
  20. nikom7

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    They need to replace the 100rnd drum with a 75rnd drum, there is no 100rnd drum smart devs
  21. nikom7

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    It's going to be their fault then if they don't hit
  22. nikom7

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    The AKM is very powerful and accurate, don't fire it Full Auto like a crazy gunman
  23. nikom7

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Yes I want pooping and peeing and farting when eating beans which also can also give away your position to zombies and humans. There should be human needs, as there is Eating and Drinking, there should also be Pooping and Peeing (non graphical) and masturbation for sexual needs (also non graphical ofcourse)
  24. nikom7

    Improvised Rifle Scope

    Sorry but this would be the most nonsense, non working, inaccurate shit in the universe