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Everything posted by DrHellNo

  1. Don't think I've seen a more bad idea in all my days....
  2. DrHellNo

    Traded a bad gun...

    You can't load regular STANAG into the M4 SD, it only takes STANAG SD.
  3. DrHellNo

    Traded a bad gun...

    Despite how uncommon the gun, and espcially the ammo, is, it is incredibly mediocre. It has a lot of stopping power but the recoil is just way too much .Also despite there being a scoped version it's fairly inaccurate and ridiculously loud. IMO the FAL is a weaker version of the AKM. Larger clip, about the same range (only slightly less than the FAL actually), more accurate, not as crazy loud and the weapon itself is fairly common, as with the mags.
  4. After running a server for almost one month I couldn't agree with you more. We have had absolutely rampant hacking on our server for the past few days. It is just about to the point of us not wanting to deal with the hassle of running (and of course paying for) a server. If Rocket wants us (the community) to host the servers so he is able to continue this experiment, he needs to allows us to police it properly. I would much rather have a few bad cops on the force, than no cops at all. What would you rather have? More admin abuse and less hackers? Or more hackers and less admin abuse? I think it's pretty clear where I stand and I know I am not the only one.
  5. DrHellNo

    Log Examples [hacking]

    I was wondering this myself, thanks for the info guys.
  6. DrHellNo

    helicopter gas...

    Clearly you are an idiot. Fix the windows, it will stop leaking.
  7. We found ours on Skalisty Island. Took us a few hours of work, even having some supplies prepped, but we finally got her up in the air and completely fixed. (fuel leak issue as well) You have to repair every piece of glass and everything else for the fuel to stop leaking. It also seems that once the fuel leak is fixed once, it will stay fixed as long as the chopper isn't completely destroyed. The first time we took of in it the pilot got a strong bit of desynch (bad timing or what) and the helicopter did a crash landing so to speak. Thankfully not killing it, but damaging it almost back to where we started. Everything but the hull, missles and a couple weapons were red again. But we noticed even with things still damaged, she wasn't leaking fuel. We got her all repped up now, except for a few windshields but she is most definitely not leaking fuel. We were airborne for over half an hour and hardly dented a full tank.
  8. DrHellNo

    M4A1 Holo Camo VS M4A1 Holo

    Exactly, it's a collectors thing. My group has only come across 2 or 3.
  9. DrHellNo

    M4A1 Holo Camo VS M4A1 Holo

    7 Antibiotics, daaaaamn. I hear ya chief.
  10. DrHellNo


    Turn off post-processing. That did WONDERS for me after this patch.
  11. DrHellNo

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    But they nerfed how loud it was, too.
  12. DrHellNo

    Players on Maps

    Yup, my friends and I refer to this as "carebear map"
  13. Your best bet is to just get BERcon and just watch it like a hawk. I know this is pretty much impossible without a second monitor, but any bit helps.
  14. My thoughts exactly....The life expectancy is cool and all but ultimately it is irrelevant.
  15. DrHellNo

    M4A1 CCO

    The m4A3 CCO also has a front grip, the mfa1 CCO does not have a front grip. I see the M4A1 CCO as a collectors item, I've only ever come across a few but have come across dozens upon dozens of the M4A3 CCO. If you have access to an M4A3, there is no reason to use the M4A1 CCO, because the front grip is OP as FUCK.
  16. Just from a pure aesthetic standpoint Commander blows Six out of the water. The interface is a lot more cleaner and sleek than Six.
  17. DrHellNo

    Music you listen to while playing DayZ

    Yeah, as much as I love listening to music while playing games (and in general for that matter) listening to music while playing DayZ will ultimately just get you killed because sound is far too important in a game like this. Hearing gunshots, vehicles, or other players movements is going to save your life. Not hearing them will cost it, simple as that.
  18. When servers aren't restarted properly it is commonplace for tents and vehicles to disappear. A proper restart will fix this problem. But I can tell you that it doesn't just effect some, its an all or nothing thing. Either all tents and all vehicles are gone or none of them are. Looks like you got raided...
  19. DrHellNo

    WarZ much better game then DayZ

    Yep, the games not even in a pre-alpha state and your buddy knows it is better? Uh huh...
  20. DrHellNo

    UAZ loot

    I've heard that the RGO grenades can spawn in UAZ's. I havent seen this first hand, my group has run across quite a few UAZs but no RGO's. So I can't confirm or deny.
  21. DrHellNo

    Zeds...zombies...infected ooh my.

    My group typically refers to them as Walkers. Even though a more appropriate name would be "crazed olympic zig-zag runners"
  22. It all comes down to the player. If you don't lose yourself and just see it as a "game" it will be just that, just another game. But it's so much more than that. This is the only game I've ever played that I have actually felt bad about killing people. The only game where I've actually thought about the consequences of my actions. The only game where I have thought about how my actions would affect others actions and so on. That, to me, is a god-damned beautiful thing. I feel sorry for people that are unable to understand the simple facts/goals of this experiment.
  23. DrHellNo

    Dedicated Server no Cars Spawning?

    That is your best bet, I would give it up to about 5 days and if they aren't showing up by then something is definitely wrong.
  24. Because it's true? Maybe.... Like someone else said, it is impossible to make something for everyone. So it is the most logical to have a target audience/plan and stick with it. Just like what Rocket and the other devs are doing with this project.