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About mudzereli

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  1. We are making the server better every day! Just Yesterday: - Better Menu for Choosing Spawn & Class - Added Combo Locks, Mortar, and Cinder @ Traders,
  2. Anyone who logs in today will be granted 7 days of SILVER donator loadout! In ADDITION to the default loadout, SILVER donators will receive: M9 Handgun Upgrade+2 Clips Handgun AmmoACU Assault Pack Backpack Upgrade (12 slots)Hatchet+1 Bandage The change can take up to 5 minutes to take effect (it is automatic) so you may not get the loadout until your first death. Come on in and have some fun!
  3. Every day we are tweaking and improving the server. We just added vehicle protection at trader cities (until server restart or you leave the area). Also, the server is back to 24 hour mode instead of 24/7 day. This may change again in the future.
  4. Tweaked a lot of balance things, and increased loot spawns. Come by and check out our server!