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Everything posted by MajesticShitstain

  1. MajesticShitstain

    List of servers with side/global chat ON

    Once this feature was removed this mod went to shit and everyone started killing on sight. Back when it was enabled on all servers it was actually possible to team up with people.
  2. Every time a server hits nighttime everyone leaves except for the 4-7 people with night vision or who actually use flashlights and flares. I personally love nighttime but every server restarts when it gets around that time and boom, daytime again! Back when there were less than half of the amount of servers than there are now, when you would join a server in your country at 8PM it would actually be dark. Now every server you join at any time of day is always daytime. It's almost like the nighttime side of the game is not even there. Maybe some streetlights could be turned on so the newspawns aren't too intimidated by the night.
  3. MajesticShitstain

    Locking server time to server location time

    Have you ever tried going onto a server with more than 5 people? You know, like, one with 20 or 30?
  4. MajesticShitstain

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    Have fun trying to stop me.
  5. MajesticShitstain

    Trading Vs3 Truck for as50/nightvision

    eh I wanted to bait someone in a well populated server. placing the satchel at night is easier but it's a much longer wait until someone stumbles across the truck. Add me on steam: majesticshitstain
  6. MajesticShitstain

    Trading Vs3 Truck for as50/nightvision

    How populated is the server that the truck is on?
  7. MajesticShitstain

    Trading Vs3 Truck for as50/nightvision

    tempting trade. putting vehicles in the middle of town then blowing it up as soon as someone hops into it is way too much fun
  8. MajesticShitstain

    your first murder experience

    My first murder was the first time I've played this. Way back when side chat was in every server and we started off with a makarov, and when you ran into someone 80% of the time you would team up with them instead of killing them. Met up with a friend by a church. Inside of the walls surrounding the church. Friend sees a guy crawling up to our location from outside of the walls. I ask him if hes freindly and we get no reply after asking twice. My friend stays by one opening where the crawling guy is headed to and I go around and shoot him in the ass 8 times. Those were the good dayz. When you could actually talk to people without being in killing range.
  9. MajesticShitstain

    And people say they have trouble finding a gun...

    I find killing someone who is fully geared to be more pleasing. There's more butthurt involved. But those unarmed idiots are fun to kill no doubt.
  10. MajesticShitstain

    Solo play Not Welcome!?!?

    How about you just stop playing all together? If you cant find matches you're not fit for survival. I honestly don't see how this game is hard. Although i have been playing since April and now i just sit and snipe noobs in cherno/elektro hoping they will quit this game forever.
  11. MajesticShitstain

    And people say they have trouble finding a gun...

    People who have trouble finding a gun should just stop playing.
  12. I was lollygagging around in a server with side chat last night and I was at the Northwest airfield and leaving. When i got to Kabanino I asked if anyone happened to be in the NWAF because I would team up with them, it gets boring killing innocent people by yourself, nobody responded. So 8 minutes later when I got near Stary Sobor some guys said they found a bus at the NWAF. I asked them how long they've been there. They said about 20 minutes. So I told them because they didn't tell me they were there when I asked, that I should go over there and kill them. They then said, "lol good luck with that". CHALLENGE ACCEPTED MOTHERFUCKER! So I run up to the airfield again and scope the area out with my L85A2 and see nothing. I proceed to sweep the airfield. Nobody there. okay.jpg A couple minutes later they asked anyone if they wanted to join them in their travels. One guy went to go meet up with them. I logged out changed my name and joined back in asking if anyone wanted to team up and they gave me their TS3 ip so I joined. As time passes they establish themselves at Zub and waited for the guy they originally were going to meet up with. He appeared on a motorbike so they killed him and took his stuff. Then they drove their bus and motorcycle to pogorevka. All of a sudden theres a server restart and they lose their vehicles. So they're wondering where they can find more vehicles. I tell them to check the western vehicle spawns while saying I ran up to the NE airfield, when really I was sitting in stary waiting for some poor survivor. They started talking about going to zelenogorsk so I went on a marathon run to zelenogorsk. When I got there they were still looting, and I was in the forest area west of the town and couldnt get a clear sure shot.(I didn't want the other guy to disconnect when his buddy goes down) So after they're done looting one logs off to edit some document for their clan and the other decides to meet up with me. We decide on stary because they think im still at the Northeastern part of the map. So as I follow him from a good distance(800m-1.2km) I find two trucks both needing 4 wheels, a fuel tank, and engine parts. So I told both of them that I was actually following them around everywhere they were going. They were suprised and laughing wondering how i did it. I told them I Lied to them about everywhere i was. They started saying how they need to improve how they go around. I tell them about the two trucks sitting in the middle of a field. So the guy still connected came to check If I was serious and when he got there i was watching him and he checked the trucks for gear(which I had forgotten to do since i carry a sniper and two assault rifles with essentials for survival) and he shits bricks because theres 5 L85A2s in there, satchels charges and all kinds of goodies. So i crawl up to him and creep him out(ghillie suit FTW) then his friend comes back on to search for tires and all the necessary car parts. We make a reluctant run to cherno to get parts. After we gather everything we need we make the long run back, fix up the cars and proceed to hide them because we're all tired.(It was around 4-5am and i started the hunt for them around 1am) on our way we find a bus in the middle of the road. Awesome. We grab that and drive our convoy to the specified location and park everything and save the vehicles and log out. The whole time I was debating on whether or not i should still kill them. But when we found the bus I decided not to. But what I did do was pick up another friend an hour later and drove him up all the way to the top of the map and we drove all of the vehicles somewhere else so when they log in they have no vehicles and they have to run all the way from the edge of the map back down to towns. I'm an asshole, currently at 17 murders and everyday that number increases.
  13. MajesticShitstain

    The expedition to kill 2 people

    I love killing people like you when you're fully geared. If you've ever actually been off the coast.
  14. MajesticShitstain

    The expedition to kill 2 people

    I didn't put the guns in there. The server is often populated with hackers because of the side chat. They like to watch people talk about their spawned in helicopter or huge explosions in elektro.
  15. MajesticShitstain


    I actually do this quite often. Lol
  16. MajesticShitstain


    This thread made me laugh. :thumbsup:
  17. MajesticShitstain

    CTD after tank loading screen

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32290-arma-2-oa-has-stopped-working-crash-to-desktop-fixed/ I had the same problem but after an hour of searching this was the fix
  18. MajesticShitstain

    Infinite Tents

    Date: 6/11/12 What happened: Wasn't able to pitch a tent at first. After we finally got one down it didn't leave our inventory. We were able to place an infinite number of tents. Where you were: Just north of black lake What you were doing: Trying to place a tent down. Here's some video of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkREJ4MJjoQ