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Everything posted by MajesticShitstain

  1. MajesticShitstain

    How do I properly break a keyboard?

    there ya go
  2. MajesticShitstain

    Cars errywhere

    I joined a server and stumbled across every single car in the server next to cap golova us 265 is the server I didnt try getting one because i think im gonna get my shit wrecked as soon as i get near it so yeah Ignore my humanity
  3. MajesticShitstain

    Cars errywhere

    Well i got bored and blew everything up and used a satchel to take out a boat and myself. This mod was 108204739729468927x better in may
  4. MajesticShitstain

    Hero Skin Bandits

    I like you :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  5. MajesticShitstain

    Near death experiences

    Yesterday I was poopin around in elektro shooting the zombies chasing after the poor newspawns when I see 2 yellow/gold color Ural civilians. I go check em and there were 9 smoke grenades in each. I grab 11 of them and run away from the trucks. As i'm running my character, along with everyone elses character, gets teleported 15 meters above the ground. I alt f4 as soon as possible and spawn into a low pop server to see that I'm passed out and losing blood. after waking up I have 3900 blood and see a newspawn right in front of me (<1m) with zombies behind him. So i shoot the zombies with my FAL and he gets scared and aborts. Well poop, I needed him to give me the blood bag i had. So i go strolling around the coast looking for more survivors and find one running with a makarov. I follow him, kill the zombies and ask tell him that if he gives me a transfusion I'll give him the as50 in my backpack. He says nothing while I'm running around trying to avoid the barrel of the makarov then shoots me with the 2 bullets he had left in his mag so i unload a full clip of FAL into his chest, bandage myself, take the :beans: he had and continue the search for another survivor. 5 minutes later i spot a newspawn and chase him, kill the zombies and ask him to give me a transfusion. He doesn't have a mic but types to me and followed me when i asked him to follow me. I dropped the blood bag on the floor and he picked it up and gave me color back. So in return I told him to follow me for a 15 minute run. At the end of the journey I tell him to switch servers with me. We spawned next to about 4 tents that i found while strolling through the woods one day which had some tools, an m4sd with about 9 mags,2 M107's without any ammo and a bunch of other poop. I tell him thank you and I leave. Earlier today I join some random server in elektro. And there's fire everywhere so I look for any survivors and don't find any so I disconnect because in my past experiences with huge fires it usually involved hackers. Whilst in the lobby I alt tab to change the song I'm listening to and when I open the game back up and everyone in the server dies and I laugh because I barely dodged that. After that i take a break for about 10 minutes and find another server. I start making my way to cherno because I wanted to mess around with the stockpile of smoke grenades I was saving up. After passing the western sniping hills of elektro i spot a brown off road pickup and an atv. I immidiately hit the deck and wait for my character to stop breathing heavily and proceed to shoot the guy on the atv with my fal in burst fire. [stupid clantag here] Spiderman was killed. While I was shooting at the atv guy the guy in the truck was driving away to the road near sniper mountain. I run his direction until i have sight and start shooting in semi auto trying to get a headshot because i only had about 12 shots left. I didn't end up killing him so i ran to the guy next to the atv. I check his body and find an as50tws and throw it in my bag then get on his atv and drive towards cherno and about halfway there I see a guy in a ghillie with an as50 appear in front of me, so i start swirving like a madman while he shoots his 10 shots at me and misses all of them. Then while he's reloading I alt f4 and live to see another day. It seems as if I only die by hackers if I'm teleported to with an LMG.
  6. MajesticShitstain

    Near death experiences

    Maybe.... he IS the hacker?1/1/!?/!?!?!?!?!!?!?!
  7. MajesticShitstain

    Near death experiences

    Alt f4 all day erryday against dem script kiddies
  8. MajesticShitstain

    Im done, hackers win...

    If you dont know how to alt+f4 fast enough then deal with dying by being thunderdomed, teleported, etc Everytime I see my player in the sky I'm out of the game in milliseconds. The only time I'm killed by hackers is when they teleport to me and shoot me.
  9. MajesticShitstain

    Camo clothes garbage?

    I only use camo clothing now. It shows off my pretty skin more ;)
  10. MajesticShitstain

    G36 Camo SD

    You cant get banned for using hacked gear, only for spawning it in
  11. MajesticShitstain

    Create your own skin, that everyone can see.

    The server loads the image so everyone can see it. It's the same process with a squad.xml. People can see your custom skin just like people can see your squad logo on vehicles.
  12. MajesticShitstain

    The DayZ moments that pissed you the most

    I just use landmarks, a map, and how the area im around looks(way roads go, buildings, trees etc.) to find where im at and where im going.Theres also those waypoints everyone seems to be using nowadays. Also, clouds always move east
  13. MajesticShitstain

    Medics needed

    Not worth the risk and oliver, stop lollygagging on the forums :P
  14. If you would have landed on a roadblock or a broken down vehicle you would have suffered a broken leg and a loss of some blood.
  15. MajesticShitstain

    Show name of who killed you

    Server admins can choose to turn death messages off
  16. MajesticShitstain

    Show name of who killed you

    This actually needs to be implemented because of the amount of hackers. I'm pretty sure I'd want to ban the guy who teleported to me and shot me down with an mk.48 instead of letting him continue his lollygagging
  17. I want an m249 Let me know what you want
  18. MajesticShitstain

    Helicopter fun

    Me and some buddies manage to repair a helicopter and go flying around the coast. Our stupid pilot decided to do a backflip and tell us all to bail so all of us eject and die instantly except for him. So after we all respawn and get picked up we go back to our bodies and pick up our gear again. As we're about to take off we see a newspawn, so i tell the pilot to wait and ran up to the newspawn and told him to come with me and that we were gonna help him. The first thing he does is salute then walks in circles. All of us except the pilot get out and tell him through direct comms to go to the chopper but yet again he walks in circles. After this I gave up hope for him and ran back into the chopper in the gunner seat and blast him away for being so stupid. (Never again will I try helping the people on the coast) We then proceeded to get dropped off in elektro and we kill around 300 zombies, and that one guy who decided it was smart to run into the church when there are 5 people shooting the shit out of the zombies walking in. Later on while flying they encountered another chopper and ended up in a dogfight but neither chopper won so they landed and reset the server to get rid of the hackers stuff. You guys gotta get yourselves one of these.
  19. MajesticShitstain

    Vehicles that spawn with loot

    Everytime some friends fix it up they find the 10 rgo frags 20 ak mags and the yellow smoke, so I would assume that stuff is just in there by default
  20. MajesticShitstain

    Vehicles that spawn with loot

    The UAZ spawns at Altar. It's not hacked in. I found one like 2 months ago with the exact same loot.
  21. MajesticShitstain

    Re-implement side chat?

    When side chat was still in the game I actually teamed up with people. Made about 20 friends because of side chat. Oh but when it was removed everything went to shit. Now EVERYONE kills on sight and so do I, simply because I don't trust anybody unless I'm in teamspeak or some kind of verbal communication with them aside from direct chat. And if I see someone when I'm sniping in a side chat enabled server, I tell them to spin in a circle then go prone, if they do this I protect them on their looting journey through elektro or cherno.
  22. I wan't a scripter to come and thunderdome a server I'm on for once in a lifetime. It seems like fun. :) If you're a scripter PM me.
  23. MajesticShitstain

    I want to experience the thunderdome

    I already have everything I could ever want on Dayz. All I do now kill every single other person I see because it's the most fun thing to do on this mod now. Shooting people and getting shot back at its the most heart racing thing in this mod. Plus the tears of other players are delicious. Call of duty sucks, why would I waste my money on any of those games?
  24. MajesticShitstain

    List of servers with side/global chat ON

    Forgot to mention US 173 hosted by LOTC has side chat enabled It's also fun watching how people rage when you kill them.