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Everything posted by typath@comcast.net

  1. typath@comcast.net


    +1 If the raincoat is an inventory item I would like it placed with the maps, watches and compass slots.
  2. typath@comcast.net

    Will DayZ cost money after Alpha?

    I too would buy this game if it became an official DLC for either Arma 2 or 3. I've always supported indie games that I've enjoyed playing.
  3. typath@comcast.net

    Crossbow too ineffectual

    +1 For stacking bolts, and better iron sight. Maybe have a scoped crossbow as a more rare version.
  4. typath@comcast.net

    Are people more hostile, or friendly?

    One time after playing for over 6 hours and finding some good gear. I was shot in the back by a so called friendly that I was trying to help out by giving him a blood bag. I got so mad that when I re-spawn, I spotted a survivor defending himself form a hopper zed. I guess I was still raw from the betrayal, that I started shooting the poor guy. With two or three hit from the Makav pistol he went down and was trying to roll for cover. I advance on him from the other side of the car he rolled behind, and finished him off. Looking through his gear he was a freshly spawn character just try to get in-land like me. Instantly I felt shameful for what I did, that I hid his body with all his gear. I thought of it like giving the guy a proper burial. That was the first time I shot a character with no provocation. Sense then I've been killed many times. Hell I was in a large group once that a couple of guys laid an ambush on the rest of us after "scouting" ahead. Now I haven't killed anyone else out of anger. But it get damn hard not to snap and go on a killing spree after working so hard for your gear. I learned that you can't trust anyone even though there are plenty of people out there that want to play cooperatively like me.
  5. typath@comcast.net

    Include server name in debug monitor.

    Yes this is a great suggestion. Most of the time when I'm trying to join a server, I'm looking at the player count not the name.
  6. typath@comcast.net


    One way to make slower zombies a challenge is for the traditional head shot kills only. Maybe two or three shots the the legs to incapacitate them also (like we have now). Shots anywhere else just bounce off them. Even with those suggestions it would be to easy to just run away. If we had bigger cities with narrower streets, and alleys that could lead to dead ends. Any player can be in serious trouble if caught by a horde of Zeds with no where to run. IMO slower zombies can only really work if you have no other choice but to fight them off.
  7. typath@comcast.net

    MERGED: Different Islands

    +1 for fallujah. I would love to see a large scale city map play with DayZ. I can imagine it would be a lot of work to implement, but it would be so sweet. Tons of zeds would mean people joining up in small gangs roaming the streets for safety. If not fallujah at least a large city map would be fun.