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Everything posted by KnT47r

  1. KnT47r

    Regarding the Truck

    tofucake as in TL tofucake? Hallo!
  2. KnT47r

    More suggestions by Killersalami

    Word of advice, this is a VERY fast way to become hated on this forum. Anyways; 1 - Already suggetsed, many times. Pretty sure that it will happen once other stability issues are resolved 2 - Already suggested, many times. Pretty sure that it will happen (wild animals in general, not just bears) 3 - Yes, yes it has 4 - Already suggested, many many times. :)
  3. KnT47r

    There needs to be a LOT more vehicles (2x)

    I'm on board for there being twice as many vehicles as long as they are thrice as hard to get up and running again. I'm sure that 95% of the population couldn't even change a wheel on a car let along repair one from dead to drivable (did you know that 59% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot?)
  4. KnT47r


    Why is this in the suggestions forum lol? There is no such thing as friendly all the time, just friendly until I can get the drop on you Have fun ;)
  5. KnT47r

    spawning with friends

    The way I look at it is this; I'm currently at work, if I were to look out the window and see a group of guys mauling some poor bystander I wouldn't just be able to look over my shoulder at all my mates - who are also at their places of work - and go "Well shit guys, let's get the fuck outta here" I'd have to leave work, dodge the zombies, somehow contact my mates and then somehow meet up with them. That's kinda how it works in game atm so I like it
  6. KnT47r

    Currency System

    You mean how people trade rare items for things in game now? This doesnt really need to be implemented, you just need to find a trustworthy person to trade with ;)
  7. It's a fish that is used to cut down the largest tree in a forest so one can get past the Knights who say Ni. Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie reference ;)
  8. KnT47r

    Weapons Overhaul

    To be fair, he didn't say 500 round mags lol. But I agree, to commonly find 500 rounds for a weapon that is as good as the current M16 ingame would be slightly too much Hell yes to more weapons, needs way more even if they overlap their use
  9. KnT47r

    Currency System

    I'm pretty sure that humanity would disolve into "Hey he has stuff I need" *lines up shot and squeezes trigger* if the zombie apoc really happened lol. They'd trade some items (food for water/shelter etc) for sure, but there'd be a tonne o' murdering going on. I don't think currecy belongs here because it's unfeasible that it would exist if SHTF in reality
  10. What if you chop wood with a herring, would it still be loud? +1 would definitely add to the intensity
  11. KnT47r

    Church Bells Attract Zombies

    Probably because he's after "a highly authentic zombie survival sim" as he literally just stated... Seriously people
  12. KnT47r

    Server-side option solution.

    Maybe you should start thinking about it then, you'll get shot less :P
  13. KnT47r

    Server-side option solution.

    That there is exactly my point. Remove that and then all this game becomes sprint through a town to the best loot spots, drop every zombie that walks indoors and then sprint to the next town. Avoiding/PKing/observing other players is what gives this game it's nerve destroying edge
  14. KnT47r

    Accelerated Day Night Cycle

    All this will do is make people server hop to a server in daylight more often than they do now
  15. KnT47r

    Server-side option solution.

    You forgot a step; "-- and then get reported and their server gets blacklisted from the Hive, effectively wasting all of the money they sunk into the server" Replacing one exploitable system with another just as easy to exploit system would be a waste of developer time as nothing was fixed. PvP is vital to the feel of DayZ, the zombies are easy to get by even doing a full sprint through a major town so the only REAL challenge is your group of players facing off against another group of players
  16. KnT47r

    Dead Players Become Zombies

    Watch 28 days/weeks later, that is what this virus is.
  17. KnT47r

    Server-side option solution.

    1) Play on a FF off server and gear up 2) Jump onto a FF on server to rape nooblets, server hop back to FF off server to store loot and heal up etc 3) ???? 4) Godmode Don't you see this being an overly abusable issue? Unless your character becomes unique server to server (which it won't) then this will never happen
  18. KnT47r

    Stand-alone game's suggestions

    Sigh... The only experience you should gain from shooting a weapon is how to control the weapon you're using. Which comes down to how you control your mouse to compensate for recoil, distance and whether or not the target is moving. So no, just no
  19. KnT47r

    Too common military weapons

    Been said before, many times. This is not as much of a suggestion thread as it is an "I don't like it so fix it please" thread. Suggestions offer solutions I suggested this a few days ago, would work IMO; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35399-restructured-loot-tables-pretty-long-post/
  20. KnT47r

    Bring back bandit skins/indentifiers

    Yes to this on one condition; People with a high play time and low amount of murders have an angelic glow about them; perhaps the clouds part above them and God himself shoots a ray of light (visible to everyone of course) out of his arse to bathe the guy in all His holy glory for being such a stand up member of post-apocalyptic Chernarus.
  21. KnT47r

    Class system

    Would pick survivor every time, hands down, no questions asked Why? Having a revolver trumps every other perk you've listed. I can see the beaches already; Oh you have high blood and a melee weapon? I'll shoot you in the head outside your range while running backwards quicker than you can run forwards Oh you're harder for zombies to hear/see? I'll shoot you in the toe and you'll still die due to having lower blood Oh you have a revolver? Game on bitch Oh you look different? Hahahaha Makarov If you REALLY want a class system it has to be a hard choice to pick between them with distinct advantages/disadvantages that are balanced by each other. That being said, even if it was a hard choice I'd still say no because that isn't what DayZ is about. Also, starting weapons =/= definite no from me TL;DR? No
  22. ... As a measurement of distance, 0.357 inches is 9.0678 millimetres I am not talking about projectile/casing diametre, just pure conversion from inches to millimetres.
  23. and Uhhhhh no I didn't, I said that .357 was 9mm which it pretty much is (.357"=9.0678mm). There was no mention of 9x19 ammo until you came along. I also was talking about the other calibre's, note the top line in my post? Please l2read Anyway, I like the option of having many weapons to choose from, even if they fulfil the same purpose
  24. The point was that the desert eagle comes in more than just .50 Cal ;) My conversion for .357 inches to into a rough mm size was .0678mm off being 100% correct, not suggesting that you could fit ammo designed for a 9x19 into it. Just saying that it's not THAT impractical to have the smaller variations of the weapon when we have larger calibre pistols already (ie 1911 and the revolver)
  25. This so did not need it's own thread... Yes more weapons would be good, even if they're similar (AK variants etc) it's good to have choice