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Everything posted by KnT47r

  1. I'd rather see you spawn with no backpack and need to find a decent one
  2. Great list so far! Especially love the inventory management UI pics My list of wants for the standalone (on top of what has already been mentioned) is pretty small atm - I'dd add to it over time lol; Many more weapons and items added to the game, even if they overlap in purpose. (Check my sig for more details)
  3. Can't believe I didn't see your post before Login, I'll incorporate it to the OP when I get a second
  4. KnT47r

    Forum Suggestion: Message when quoted

    Click your name in the top right -> My settings -> Notification Options -> Profit
  5. KnT47r

    Standalone Camps with dogs as a defence.

    Dammit, I was JUST about to make a thread about this :rolleyes:
  6. Ughhhh no. PvP is an integral part of this game and it's NEVER going to change Source: DayZ FAQ
  7. 5 blood per 8 seconds is WAY too fast. That's 2250 blood per hour. DayZ is trying to be a semi-realistic zombie survival game so if you want blood regen it has to be at least close to reality Let's do some maths; There is approx 12 pints of blood in the human body - thus the 12000 blood in game. It takes a healthy body 4-6 weeks (averaged to 5 weeks for argument) to fully regenerate the 1 pint (1000 points of in game blood) of blood lost from a donation. 840 hours to regen 1000 blood 1.19 blood per hour IF you have green temp/food/water
  8. KnT47r

    Suggestion: Friends Group

    And I'm saying; For new spawns, sure For alive characters, fuck no
  9. KnT47r

    Suggestion: Friends Group

    For new spawns, sure For alive characters, fuck no
  10. KnT47r

    SVD no camo

    Let's try 800m before you have to adjust for bullet drop yourself
  11. KnT47r

    FN P90 added to the game

    Anything that adds another weapon (whether role overlapping or not) that makes me make a choice on what I would rather use gets a +1 from me :D +1
  12. KnT47r

    Server Owners Penalized.

    What is this I don't even...
  13. KnT47r

    Remove the murders/bandits killed -counters?

    I'd still like to see a place where I can see some stats for my character though. Webpage based leaderboard at the very least
  14. But bumping is evil >.< Yeah that was what I was kinda going for, not only ammo being rarer than weaponry but finding the right type of ammo being rare as fuck The idea that I was playing on for military weapons to be rarer is that yes, there'd be piles of weapons left behind after the military bailed, but there'd also be piles of people (more of a backstory thing than real players) that will come through and take said weapons - scattering them pretty thin across the area Added Weap Acc to more places for more common magazines, the attachments would need to get a drop rate nerf if that happened though Note that "somewhat uncommon" is like current tent spawn rate in my eyes
  15. KnT47r

    Stealth, Ghillie suits etc

    The standalone game will be on RV4 so there is a chance that something like this will happen Though I wouldn't want it to be as good as an actual ghillie suit, not that they are hard to make IRL...
  16. Holy thread update bump Batman! Yes I feel dirty doing it
  17. KnT47r


    I think that this is already thought of in the RV4 customisation. Have a look at this pic; http://www.arma3.com...stomization.jpg It appears to have 3 accessory slots; One for optics, barrell mods (supressors mainly) and side rail/under rail mods (bayonette, grenade lawn chair, laser pointer, torches, NADs etc) I'd envisage having; Melee weapons being common Civilian/police small arms being semi-common and able to take maybe 1 attachment Civilian/police rifles/shotgun being uncommon and able to take maybe 1-2 attachments Military small arms being rare and able to take 1-2 attachments Military rifles/snipers/assault rifles/shotguns being really rare and able to take 2-3 attachments Modifications being rare - like REALLY rare, rarer than military rifles - to make actually finding one seem like you're one step above of everyone else around you Having all weapons start with ironsights (low magnification scope for snipers) and no other attachments would improve upon my thoughs more too
  18. KnT47r


    RV4 supports weapon customisation like this. 99% sure it'll be in DayZ standalone
  19. KnT47r

    servers for the stand alone

    Didn't Rocket imply that he's leaning toward the EVE Online cluster server arrangement?
  20. KnT47r

    Character Traits not Classes

    That's a vehicle which comes under the "and hotwire armored personnel carriers" part of LOG1N's comment That being said, at the end of the day it's a machine. Having been inside an APC or 3 in my life I can tell you that I'd be able to work out how to drive it at the very least
  21. KnT47r

    Character Traits not Classes

    "operate military weapons" Not as hard as one might think
  22. KnT47r


    Player made factions > game implemented handholding factions
  23. KnT47r


    Enough bumping dude - It's annoying More guns will happen for standalone, just wait it out