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Posts posted by desryachri

  1. In other games I think like he's acting I mean bf4 I run around guns a blazing like I'm mother fucking Rambo and every orange enemy I kill gets a DIE BITCH.. It's a game for gods sake lol

    Sure I play the good guy in dayz that's my choice there are fps games for this play style. He's having fun poor fresh spawns learnt the lesson of not going to balota anyways, bet some of them never felt such a rush with some crazed gun man running at them crying die mother fucker lol!

    People take this too seriously honestly.

    Number 1 rule? No..? Never get attached to your gear shit happens.

  2. Hit escape click exit.. Never seen the need to hide etc.. I mean unless I. I. The middle of electro or Cherno? And come on why logging off there I'd much rather be out on the fringes.

    My theory just log out because if your playing right your always in the best place to log out otherwise your just bait fort he bandit.

  3. Absolutely love the 2:01 shot, player dose the right thing takes cover and peeks to see who the hell came up the stairs! Hit again and runs the other side of his cover to check where the attacker was and cover his flank, keeps looking at the only place any normal shots could of come from thinks fuck this hackers and logs probably still confused as to how someone could possibly have shot him where he was lmao.

    Side note.. Wonder if the shots where audible at that range?

  4. Amazing shots!

    Those who say sniping is easy.. Your stupid. None where one shot kill shots, all had time to get off the roof.. Amazing knowlage of the gun to work out the bullet deviation.

    Sadly my guess this spot was camped and he must of had several practice shots on static objects befor he got the zeroing etc right... Sp not easy probably took quite some time setting up those shots an location.

  5. Yeah the dude died just as you logged he fell forward in a pool of blood.

    BUT I would of logged tools well !!

    Hackers all over you never know!! Ok ok it was desynk but my god knowing the game got hackers just been in that standoff with the other guys.. Heart racing pumping bullets dude not dropping fuck that I'm out!

    Combat logging forgiven in this situation no doubt.

  6. Rule #1: Never trust anyone with a gun. If you have a gun and or see a guy with a gun kill on sight, because no matter what they will kill you on sight, or they eventually will.

    I'm an old vet I can gear up within a gun and amo in under 20mins.. I ALWAYS wave and say hi to anyone I meet geared or not.. Never killed anyone who did not deserve it (bandits camping).

    So not true.

  7. I ran with a guy from Cherno to kelmenka, he had an axe.

    2 other guys turn up...

    One with a wrench Knocks me out?

    They strip me and walk off ( if you hit Escape button you can see what's going on around your corps)

    Met a fresh spawn in balota gave him a mosin with a full amo creat of sealed pristine mosin boxes.. He calmly drops the amo creat gets out a fresh box of ammunition loads the mosin (it jams then finally loads) I'm sat in in the corner of the tent knowing full well what his intentions are (I had given up on the dayz humanity) he takes aim and shoots me in the head.

  8. People are getting far to hung up on KoS and the reasoning behind it and ways to stop it or punish for doing it. You need to step back and relise that most people when given a gun in a game are going to shoot it, without a common enemy those same people are going to shoot each other. KoS prevalence should only be judged once a common enemy is introduced in significant volume.

    Mmmh yes thousands of zombies would do the trick I think ;)

  9. What would have happen of this would start.


    Tango starts shooting at me and I fire back and kill him, now I have to walk for some reason just to loot his body. The game doesn't see any difference between a KoS or the fire fight I just gave as an example.

    Which is why I said random amounts of loot drop not the whole players gear.

    Besides In that case just defending yourself is satisfying enough don't you think?
