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Everything posted by desryachri

  1. desryachri

    burlap sack

    Wii do soon, rocket shared pictures of it in action. Just not yet.
  2. desryachri

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    I am sure people who post on these threads do not know the difference between private hives and owning a server which interacts with the main hive.. Sigh..
  3. desryachri

    burlap sack

    Nothing yet
  4. desryachri

    Combat loging and server hopping

    Great you shared my method for gearing up!! :(:(
  5. desryachri

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    I logged on a server last night.. So e interesting welcome server messages "no swearing and don't be a cunt" .. Seriously in the server welcome messages when I logged on :O
  6. You do realise zombies where the last thing worked on and rushed out to give the game to you alpher whiners? You know what maybe you should of waited befor you jumped not he hype train.
  7. desryachri

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    Public servers are fine god admit.. It's alpher. Give the game time I don't want he private hive mentality on here. Sure private pass worded servers through the public hive fine whatever but compleat different loot tables private gear etc is pathetic and not for DayZSA.
  8. desryachri

    Don't worry

    The worst part.. Switching my mosin to test an m4.. Ok I prefer the mosin... Red chain FFS hurry up! Oh no alpher says no you keep the m4.
  9. desryachri

    Don't worry

    I noticed its containers that take forevert o appear like bags med kits amo boxes.. Single items seem to be instant
  10. desryachri


    That moment the game trolls you and before the rage quit demon kicks in you calmly whisper alpher to yourself and everything is cool. You forgive the door and remind it your friend Rocket is coming for it.
  11. desryachri


    Again gun glitches I t o tree can't pick it up deep breaths deep breaths :D
  12. desryachri

    Storage Containers/MedKits Redundancy

    Fail reply slap me ***
  13. desryachri

    Don't worry

    Be happy
  14. desryachri

    DayZ engine

    If you got to ask then yeah don't ask. In short they are not using the arma 2 engine rather a completely bare bones copy of it re-writen to make a completely new engine.
  15. Exactly maximise how-many there are before you tweak them. Simple to fix the. Now anyways fix the road ways and lower the breadcrumb radius. More more more this is dayz survival not bandit world where people kill people zombies kill people.
  16. At least a minimum of 10 times that..
  17. desryachri

    Item accessibility

    I think in this instance yes the hot bar is OP! But I think doing that with the bags is a bug / exploit ATM.
  18. desryachri

    Item accessibility

    Because ok I need to drink.. I'm now stuck in that animation while the zombie gets closer nothing I can do. Add the layer of getting the bag out zipping up blah blah I'd never have a bag! As the above guy said realism to a point.
  19. desryachri

    Anticheat needs to be integrated FAST....

    Lmao you considering duping gear but need conformation nothing will happen to you!!
  20. desryachri

    Life Clock!

    Yeah I mean no harm in having it up on the front page stuff like "players on line, deaths by weapon type / zombie in total / weekly / daily" Nothing that could be harmfull like high traffic road maps etc..
  21. desryachri

    Item accessibility

    It's not exactly instant though there is a delay with animations etc.. Any longer would maker it un-playable.
  22. desryachri

    Life Clock!

    Yeah certain stats would be cool to see but any kind of "leader board" will destroy the game.. Look at runescape for example.
  23. desryachri

    Life Clock!

    Too easy to stay alive tbh.. Empty server up north counts for nothing. Bragging rights turn to the best bandit wars anyways this is geared to make bandits a worth while thing. I would like yo see the average life expectancy clock on SA!
  24. desryachri

    Anticheat needs to be integrated FAST....

    I am in no rush to be honest, let them collect their data it is alpher soon they will know all of the hacker tricks and understand the games vulnerabilities. Tbh I have gotten use to the annoyance of hackers, just like I am now use to bandits and the KoS mentality of the game, play smart and do not get attached to anything in game.