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Everything posted by desryachri

  1. desryachri

    Fixing sinking bodies will make the game worse?

    So true or the bandit is fully geared and needs nothing but blood on their hands.
  2. desryachri

    Fixing sinking bodies will make the game worse?

    Yes because given the choice they'd rather hold the guy up but combat logging stops it so it becomes KoS.
  3. desryachri

    How not to Rage losing a fully equipted character

    You will know, when it has happened enough times you will know
  4. desryachri

    Hacking I'm F^&king tired of it.

    So that's where the sinking bodies end up uh? I imagined it to be so very different.
  5. desryachri

    1800's style battles

    I'd so do this but organising it would be a bitch!
  6. desryachri

    My vision is black and white.

    Low blood, no other explanation. Eat loads of good wait forever it will improve. Alternitavly be nice to a zombie he will make it nice and quick and you can go back to seeing just fine - your gear.
  7. desryachri

    First day of SA was priceless

    I know all I'm saying is if people had joined after let's say following Frankie's dayz series from the beginning things might be a little different to seeing a streamer rage bandit on the coast for 10 minutes. I know streamers need to make things interesting sure but that's the mentality I am seeing in game right now.
  8. desryachri

    The DLC disscusion

    Real rage issues lol ok w/e I'm not even going to engage a caps lock war with you :)
  9. desryachri

    First day of SA was priceless

    They say streams made more people join.. Yea it did but Those joining act like the streamers ( popular ones ) kos bandits and that's it.
  10. desryachri

    The DLC disscusion

    This is not EA it is BI.
  11. desryachri

    [OUTDATED] DayZ: The Ultimate Loot Route

    Bashnya ( I'm not swearing it's the name of the place )
  12. desryachri

    [OUTDATED] DayZ: The Ultimate Loot Route

    Yeah I use several variants of this, have had to modify due to new places found. North of NWAF tent city there is another prison! Always my first point of call when I head off to loot the NWAF now. But a great method I'm using right now is camping barracks night servers ohh they make it so easy.
  13. desryachri

    The DLC disscusion

    Bf4 gtfo. Kthxbai
  14. desryachri

    Item accessibility

    You get like an extra line of free space for every bag exactly Best touch the military bag has 1 line less than the bright mountain bags yet can hold the mountain bag. Free line better camouflage.
  15. desryachri

    DayZ Hero Montage/Compilation Video

    Stayed for the music not the shit game play lol
  16. desryachri

    How to mug people as a fresh spawn ;)

    So you attack a non hostile clearly friendly non kos guy? ....well done.
  17. desryachri

    Too many barracks and Stary Sobor tents [appeal]

    And nothing on the eastern side of the map lol
  18. desryachri

    Any tips for FPS boost (AMD) ?

    Might sound a little wired but try unparking your cpu cores.
  19. desryachri

    Any tips for FPS boost (AMD) ?

    Every CPU sucks with dayz / arma unfortunately :/
  20. desryachri

    stuck at waiting for a host screen

    Steam servers are down if it says that nothing to do with the game.
  21. desryachri

    Any tips for FPS boost (AMD) ?

    Unfortunately the low fps is not down to the GPU even if it was on 100% it would not improve the fps. It's down to the CPU the GPU is only at that because it's all it needs.
  22. desryachri

    What exactly is lagging this game?

    The game renders / loads stuff you cannot see behind other stuff that it.
  23. desryachri

    Annnnd character wiped :(

    Number 1 rule?
  24. desryachri

    Damn. Heart racing. (With pics!)

    Loved it! Reminds me if my first balota bandit hunt hod my heart was pounding up and personal
  25. Who was about to flame the topic description? What if I added camping barracks on low population night time servers? Is that now acceptable :D ?