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Everything posted by desryachri

  1. This, definite new hot spot. Zeleno to GM and back down to balota everyone plays this route.
  2. desryachri

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    Are you sure it was him? I heard no shot.. You where exposed on the landing strip. Sniper?
  3. desryachri

    NWAF tent city snipers dream? 800m head shot.

    Yeah I am heading down to the coast tonight for some bandit hunting :D Really want to find some bandit with a fresh spawn on his knees now that would be an endgame sniper shot!
  4. desryachri

    KoS Video. Bring on the hate!

    Only a couple nice shots, the rest where a wast on the lovely long range scope :( if you where out on sniper hill I'd be impresses.
  5. desryachri


    Nice kills :P I suspect amo box duping by them
  6. desryachri

    Such a bad nights sleep :(

    Wow I felt so bad last night :( Made my way up to the NWAF tents to find some weapon attachments, all going well ( I am no bandit I try not to be ) Anyways running through the tents I come up behind a guy he's eating some food in one of the tents, I panic and aim at the back of his head.. Little startled I start contemplating my options ( combat log / run / kill ) He turned around and the animation for getting his gun out starts :( I shot him :( If I had run he would of chased me down I think? But I kept playing it over and over in my head! I felt so bad :( Thinking back I should of VoIP "don't turn around just log off or I will shoot you" It happened so fast poor guy :/
  7. desryachri

    Such a bad nights sleep :(

    So I had no choice, kill or run and possibly be killed :/
  8. desryachri

    My transition from friendly to psychopath!!!

    I ever kos I never run up to a twitchy guy with a gun shouting friendly.. But I understand the video, I doubt you have "changed" it's the theme of the video :)
  9. desryachri

    Having a terrible time finding a Mosin.

    Office buildings, like the one centre electro top floor only enter able room. (The school) There are many other villages with this building. Berezino lumber yard one has always been 100% for me with out fail ( even a side arm ). Village west of NEAF has a school aswel no one ever goes there. Your problem is your looking in the right places, but very high traffic right places. Loot dose not re spawn yet ( the cause of server hopping )
  10. I have tried everything in the settings and i cant stop the shadow bouncing all over. Anyone have this or know how to stop it?
  11. Makes no difference, that was the first thing I messed with. It is all down to cover, kind of annoying but I guess as a sniper it is something you work with. If you see the video you can see the bits of cover in the scope and that's what causes this bug.
  12. Thanks! unfortunatly after messing about with it i figured out it has nothing to do with any of the settings!! Basicaly as a sniper when you take cover in the tree line this is what causes it :o if you are out in the open no problem but if you are in cover like the picture below you get the problem. Wonder if this is a bug worth report? seems unlightly it would be something fixed any day soon ^_^ Here is what it looks like not scoped in (notice all of the cover around me) thats causing the shadows. If i take a few steps out of cover in to the open i have no problem with the shadows bug. when Scoped in you see here the shadows all over! and its like on the video jumping all over, worse with more cover.
  13. desryachri

    Weird death at NWAF

    Im suprised people do not realise how little protected this place is from sniping :huh: 900 - 1000m out
  14. desryachri

    I'm stuck.

    Run and jump at the walks go wild in there you will glitch through the wall. Happened to me different room took a while but I finally got out
  15. desryachri

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    Yeah game is slightly bugged it doesn't know they shot first because you had no hit marks. It's ment go pick up bullet hits around you then decide if you get the loot or not.. No one read the updates?
  16. desryachri

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    Nah only happens when you KoS
  17. desryachri

    Where can you find Mosins?

    I have more luck with amo in a certain civilian house ( has shelves in the back room usually a mosin psu scope on the shelves ) Anyways I. The front room always boxes of amo.
  18. desryachri

    Where can you find Mosins?

    Those buildings north of balota like apartments.. The rusty cars outside found a couple in them aswell.
  19. desryachri

    Where can you find Mosins?

    Berezino lumber yard there is an office building.. Top floor room always a mosin in there pretty much 100% guarantee with a bipod.
  20. Holy shit this thread just will not die.. Alpher = no first person servers yet.
  21. desryachri

    How do you deal with other players?

    Hand gestures that's all I do sure it gets me killed most of the time but yeah few good experiences
  22. desryachri

    The Floating Tree

    Brings up a good point though, fixing stuff like this will slowly optimize performance. Imagin a dayz with no glitchy terrain / trees / buildings :O Not hating just imagining if they took the time to go through and fix little things like this :p may take absolutely ages but I'm in it for the long run :D
  23. Simple economics, over time more staff for the company not dayz but the whole company more equipment and resources dayz will have access to which so will other projects. Sure dayz will be a priority they are are already pulling those resources being used on arma 3 to use them etc.. They will never just hire in a load of experts ( umm no use if they don't know the arma engine all takes time / hence some comunity moders where hired ) because that is stupid economics and the company will go bust in no time.
  24. desryachri

    357 Magnum, What does it look like?

    Well you'll think the barrel would be quite big based on the be like rick from the walking dead twitter comment?
  25. desryachri

    Just had a nice little haul.

    Nice find, after a while you will spot those good buildings a mile off, when I go looting in the current build there are several buildings I just don't go in nothing I'd need (loot is too predictable) When gearing I run through Berezino I 100% guarantee you a mosin with ammunition (some times a psu scope only 4 possible spawns ) full food /water med kit and at least 4 other medical supplies like pain killers etc.. in under 10 minutes and that's with going in one end of town and out the other end off to NEAF. Only because I know which buildings to go in ;)