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About fun|sniper

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    On the Coast
  1. Come and check out the NEW FUN Clan Overpoch Chernarus Server, Hosted By The FUN Clan and provided for you by Survival Servers! Within the FUN Clan we love hunting zombies and killing AI at AI missions. But we need to be hunted too! Hero, Neutral, or Bandit everybody is accepted. With Infistar Anti-Hack there will be no hackers penetrating our system or breaching our security. The server has the best admins around! Server IP: The server has Tow/Lift, Ai Missions, and a few custom areas on the map! Admins are on to help you! Hope to see you on the server! |FUN| Sniper
  2. Server is back up after Survival Servers fixed the DDOS attacks. We just payed for the full version of Infistar Antihack, so if you lost anything during the crashes or were put somewhere else on the map you will get your gear back and more as a gift from the admins! Kindest Regards, <|FUN|> Sniper
  3. Hope everyone checks out our awesome server! We now average 6-10 people a day. But we start off a little slow in the mornings!
  4. @Redsaw66 we have people who like the new update, and we have a teamspeak. Join the server and look at the loading screen.
  5. Its better than you think!
  6. Hello and welcome! My name is |FUN| Sniper (Ian Moone on this forum) and I am here to tell you that the |FUN| Clan DayZ Server is Officially Up and running! It is a new server and averages about 1-5 players a day! We hope you join us @! And our website is: www.thefunclan.enjin.com |FUN| Clan Background: 1) Been a clan for over 5 years 2) Mature 3) No Hacks 4) We have |FUN| (that is what the name implies)! Addons: Towing/Lifting Rearm/Repair/Refuel Ai Missions Custom Anti-Hack Large on going event: Police VS Rebels: The Chernarus Police Department gear up against the Chernarus Rebel Force to fight the largest war on Chernarus! With custom loadouts the Police use there Police Cars/SUVs/Helicopters to eliminate the Rebels off the face of Chernarus. The Chernarus Rebel Force gear up against the Chernarus Police Department to wipe the police force from Chernarus so they can make it all theirs. WIth custom loadouts the Rebels fight a large scale WAR against the Chernarus Police Department, they will not gie up. Map Additions: Refugee Stadium- Back before the war between the Rebels and the Police, the Rebels were overrun out of the abandoned stadium, when police arrived to save what was left of the Rebels from the zombies that had invaded the stadium, the Rebels got greedy and wanted to get revenge on the Police because they thought they set up the invasion, but they didnt. Rebels used Light Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifes, and Special Ops tactics to shoot down Police choppers, and destroy the Urals carrying the alive out. Everybody was assasinated. This is the story that started the war... Regards, |FUN| Sniper If you are interested in signing up for this event, and play in the server on a normal basis go to www.thefunclan,enjin.com/signup to sign up toady!