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About Jetpacks

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Don't you mean... "This will not 'goon' down too well?
  2. Jetpacks

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Most fan bases wouldn't pay for a musicians music anyway - so your point is invalid. Plus Rocket is exactly what the gaming community needed - a no bullshit fun attitude. Get on board or get out if you can't handle it.
  3. How many people sat in front of there computer with their hands beside their heads wiggling their fingers?
  4. Jetpacks

    Bandit Forum

    Bandits unite!
  5. Jetpacks

    Bandits and Self Defense

    I think it's fine - it's a lifestyle choice in Chenarus - If you don't want the skin, don't put yourself in a position to have to defend yourself. Play smarter.