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Everything posted by Cheezzhead

  1. Okay you obviously did not pick up on my sexual innuendo
  2. Cheezzhead

    I can't chat.

    Chatting to the entire servers (i.e. all of the players) is currently turned off on most, if not all servers. You can only really use the Direct comm., which broadcasts your (voice)chat to any player within a 40 meter radius.
  3. Cheezzhead

    First impression: This sucks.

    Some of the posts here indeed came off as very harsh and insulting, but you have to understand we get alot of topics like this, people playing for 10 minutes and judging an alpha mod as if it was a full game; although most of them were alot less structured like yours. Granted, replies here are somewhat unjustified, but do understand that an alpha mod basically means 'anything goes'; what you're playing is the barebones of what the final mod might look like. It's buggy, it's glitchy, it's unfinished.
  4. Cheezzhead

    "Visual" on Debug Monitor

    I suppose it's just about the same as the eyeball icon, only in numbers. Remember, this is the debug console; meaning, the entire box will probably be removed once this game is finished. They were probably using it for testing or something and decided to leave it in.
  5. Cheezzhead

    US 46 Hacker

    We didn't get a screenshot unfortunately, but we did find a tent all the way southwest at coords. 008097, containing lots of gear, including an RPG-7V which as far as I know isn't available in dayZ normally.
  6. Cheezzhead

    Don't you just love "clever" bandits?

    I think survivor is a really cool guy, eh is so smart and doesn't afraid of anything
  7. Cheezzhead

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    I just want to give a callout to a player named Darren. He followed me into the woods as I drove a bus into hiding, and as I walked around the vehicle to save it, I barely spotted him in the corner of my eye. His aim was dead-on - He managed to kill me and another one of my mates before the third guy finally took him out. Put up a hell of a fight, though. Once I cooled down a bit from the frustration of dying I realized he was the first player in weeks to not disconnect during a firefight. Kudos to him. Additionally, the M4A1 CCO SD he left behind was nice too.