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Everything posted by HelixEffect

  1. HelixEffect

    Servers with Vehicles

    Recently my friends and I have start looking for a constant server but we're looking one which spawns vehicles, I've been looking about and am unable to find a list which states if servers do/do not have said vehicles. I understand at a later time -all- servers will have said vehicles but for the time being I and my friends would very much like to find a server which has them at the moment, could anyone point a finger towards any stable, veteran servers with vehicles enabled. (Preferably with 3rd person)
  2. HelixEffect

    Fort Construction In later development

    No AI-based villages or cities please. I like the fact everything but zombies is PC ran, so should villages, it makes for more varied and interesting interactions because you never know how its going to turn.
  3. HelixEffect

    City/Street Lights

    When night hits, its a very scary time but within game there are a lot of street-lights etc laying around, I feel it'd add a little more atmosphere to see eerie street lights flickering about the world, it'd also help new players at night have a sense of location rather than being totally unknown, also in some of the bigger cities it may be worthwhile having the odd light in a building, even as much as candle light. This would make for a more tense environment at which you evaluate being near the lights and revealing your position against the aid of actually having light near you etc.
  4. I've seen a fair few threads on the forums about this and how you would do it and so on and so forth but I was recently showing a video by a fellow DayZ player about a mod which would suit the means quite well with a little tweaking perhaps? As you can see the way they play is very simple but I don't know how easily it would be to impliment it within DayZ, it would however make placing tents, wire-fences etc a lot easier, the whole 'template' thing breaks realism very slightly in the case that even when your pitching a tent or such you have a solid idea of the amount of space/direction its going to take. Another idea would be that certain items must be within a certain proximity to other items in order for them to work E.G. Spot-lights must be near generators to work and light up the area. It's just a simple idea but seeing this mod made me thing how awesome DayZ would be with such a thing as the only thing I really feel is missing is being able to set-up your own area with a group of players in hopes to setp a solid foothold within your server, it may also push players to stay on a single server rather than hop.
  5. HelixEffect

    Player-made bases/Fortifications

    Well the camps would be per-server so it'd be more server-side (I'd imagine) than network side. Like vehicles. Also there would be a limit for instance if no one was logged on (sleeping) people could raid it, you'd perhaps have some sorta lock mechanic.
  6. HelixEffect

    Player-made bases/Fortifications

    I hate to bump this but I really think it'd be something to get some feed back on. Specifically because there are other mods, similar to DayZ such as the Wasteland mod which allow players to build their own outposts. I really think it'd mix up the maps a bit and make the game a little more varied rather than a constant search for the next item.
  7. HelixEffect

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Shot in the dark here Rocket but are we likely to be seeing Helicopters returning to game any time soon?
  8. HelixEffect

    Servers with Vehicles

    I must admit when it comes to finding a server I stay far away from clan-based ones, tired of one group of players hoarding most, if not all, the vehicles. It ruins the game for others a fair bit because they've got no major goal to hit other than survive which becomes so ... very ... laborious.
  9. HelixEffect

    Servers with Vehicles

    @salty That explains a lot ... I had assumed from all the lists and map with spawn points that this was otherwise but cool!
  10. HelixEffect

    Servers with Vehicles

    @pyro We tend to stay away from clan based servers after a good few poor experiences on them. @salty That is what I had believed however after playing for a solid 12 hours moving from noted vehicle spawn to noted vehicle spawn and we've found nothing, we found a boat which was of next to no use, I was beginning to wonder if some servers simply hadn't spawned them yet. After leaving our last server, which quite frankly had vehicles in abundance to seeking a new server which seem sparse at best it was a little confusing.