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Everything posted by Steverino223

  1. Steverino223

    new connection issues

    Just within the last 2 weeks i've been having trouble with joining servers more so than usual. Currently every time I join a server I get the "No message received for X seconds" problem. I either get to "Receiving Data" and get the "No message Received" warning or I actually get into the game but only get to take a few steps before getting it and timing out. This happens on every server I join now. I've encountered this before but never in the frequency that its happening now, I literally haven't been able to play on any servers for more than a couple seconds, if im even lucky enough to make it past the loading screen. Is there anything at all I can do to get rid of this problem or is this a server side issue and im just unlucky as f***?
  2. Steverino223

    Scariest experience in DAYZ? SHARE!

    I was sneaking through Zelenogorsk, coming from the northern road into town, slowly making my way down towards the convenience store. I avoided all zombies and made sure to keep an eye out for other players as well. I finally made it to the back entrance of the convenience store and my first thought is "Ok. I should probably scope this place out and make sure im alone before I start looting." so then I proceeded inside (nonchalantly. expecting absolutely nothing) and I make my way through the door to the front room and come out behind the main counter and as I walk in the first thing I see is a player digging through a pile of loot. At about the same time that I saw him, he looked up and saw me as well, we both panicked and raised our guns and started stepping back and forth firing our winchester 1877's, (we had the same gun) after about the 7 or 8th round I get lucky and hit him in the gut. He was out of ammo and reloading after my last shot rang out so I capitalized on this moment by deciding to retreat. Now, by then im shaking horribly because of the shock of running into someone. Also, I was shaking both in game and IRL so at this point I could hardly even aim. I turn and bolt for the door to go back out the rear entrance thinking I had won and expecting him to retreat as well to patch up his wounds but just as I entered the doorway the loud bang of several colt 1911 shots echoed through my ears. Only one of them hit me and I survived but not before me and the other (what I now assumed was 2) survivors were greeted with a massive horde of zombies who had now begun to pour into the building. Me, in my panic, gave absolutely no shits about the zombies coming towards me and waded my way through them, with several more pistol rounds wizzing past me. I hid in a house a few doors down and patched my wounds then fought off the zombies that had followed me. In the distance I could hear the other 2 survivors doing the same thing. My adrenaline didn't stop pumping full throttle for probably another 15 minutes afterwards. I never did bump into them again but that was definitely one of the scariest situations i've been in so far.
  3. Steverino223

    You know your addicted when......

    When you hear a loud bang outside your house and think "OH FUCK! I better crouch-run out of this neighborhood." or in the same situation "I better turn off all these lights before a bandit see's me!"
  4. Steverino223

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    I haven't read this entire thread, and I don't plan on it. 47 pages is way beyond my level of patience. Just avoid pvp like rocket mentioned earlier in the thread. Create a solution, don't add to the problem. I solo about 90% of the time that I play this and i've avoided at least 50+ pvp situations. The main thing I get caught for is my own stupidity, such as running into a street without assessing all possible angles for an ambush or running out onto the roof of a building or standing in a window without first scanning all my surroundings for other players (is usually go prone under windows when inside a building just to avoid attracting snipers when im in a major city) Take some more time to scout out whatever location your trying to reach, plot out a path of least resistance and also patience can save your life. I never go into a building or town without hanging out along the outskirts and doing some recon first for a couple minutes and if it's night time and you cant see into the town just toss a flare into it, usually other players get skittish when they see a flare and give away their position by trying to flee the area quickly, usually when this happens I just avoid the area and find a different place to loot just to avoid any possible confrontation. That's just how I play the game, and its served me well so far but im sure there are plenty of other just as good, if not undoubtedly more efficient tactics that players can employ to prolong their survival though.
  5. Steverino223

    NVG's an GPS

    I found a GPS literally within my first 2 hours of playing DayZ. Me being new to the game at the time though, I decided I could handle playing at night time and ended up getting beat to death after running into a crowd of zombies. Haven't found a GPS since.
  6. Steverino223

    Strange supply truck

    I was wandering around far up north, almost at the border of playable land, when I happened across a large supply truck (Ural) crashed into a tree. (It might have just been parked but it was directly up against it so I assumed it was crashed) Now, what struck me as strange about it was the INSANE amount of munitions packed into this thing, it almost seemed more like a random spawn like a crashed heli rather than something that a player or group of players could scrounge together. The reason I think it was a random spawn is because from what i've heard (I dont have much experience with repairing and maintaining vehicles in DayZ and I may be wrong about this) player vehicles seem to get erased sometimes when servers are reset. It had 7 tents, 16 stanag magazines, 23 units of shotgun shells for differing shotgun types, 2 200 round m249 ammo belts, 9 DMR mags, 6 jerry cans and a random assortment of other items. (sadly, no weapons to go with the ammunition) Now, is this a random spawn, or did a group of players actually manage to gather all of these items while at the same time avoiding server resets? (It had a little bit of gas left in it so I took what I needed and then drove it a few miles away from where it was then ditched it, just in case it did belong to someone) :D Also, that list of ammo that I wrote out wasn't ALL of the ammo that was in the truck, those are just the high tier types(minus the shotgun shells)
  7. Steverino223

    No dots on recruit?

    That's not a setting for recruit mode. I play on veteran servers and this happens too. It's a glitch most likely and it usually only happens during the morning hours of the game as far as I can tell.
  8. Steverino223

    Your stupidest death

    Stupidest death for me would have to be when I alt+tabbed out of the game and when I clicked on DayZ to maximize it again my character got stuck firing his lee enfield into the air and before I figured out how to stop it I had already aggro'd everything within a couple blocks of me. :)