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Posts posted by Alucardnasty

  1. Hi , We are Reforming DRZ , a bandit clan that plays on the Backinthedayz.ca Community ( whitelist private hive EAST COAST US / CAN ping ) , We focus on that very server and the server needs bandits to spice things up.. We are looking to add new faces to the group , we need Support / Medic and Scout role. We want to remain small scale so we will select the application case by case.

    We ambush / raid high traffic area / road. We play bandits but we don't kill fresh spawn unless interfering with the objectives. We don't hang in the south unless we die and respawn , we are always in the north....surviving.

    At the game state right now we will accept New players to form them so when the stand alone hits we are a "ready" team , but we mostly are looking for Veterans players.We own a private Ventrilo server as comm. system.

    When we die we don't bitch , we start over and take revenge.

    When ask to help , you do so.

    Must have a "MIC"

    Must be patient , good things comes when we least expect it !!!

    DRZ Cherche Des Quebecois !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fill out this app , don't forget to include your steam name so we can get back to you !

    Player name :

    Steam name :

    Age :

    Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.)

    Role :

    Fav. gun combo :

    Where are you from :

    Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect )

    Thnx / Merci

    • Like 3

  2. DRZ are looking to add few members to the roster. Were are mostly vets , we play bandits on a private hive. We do coordinated raids on high traffic areas / roads. We take what we need then we vanish to another spot. We have our own comm. system( vent). We are Looking for mostly french canadians.

    We are currently looking for 1 or 2 support / medic role and a few grunts / snipers !!!

    We play mostly on the original map and we are dedicated to 1 server / community.

    We do not tolerate hacks.

    We respect the team members as they were brothers

    We help the crew ( if its reparing a vehicule we need everyone's participation)

    We don't Kill fresh spawn unless they are in our way.

    If you want in , post on this page the required information. Don't forget your steam name so i can get back to you !


    Application form :

    player name :

    Age/sex :

    Country :

    Game Experience ( DayZ) ( Ex: Vet , rookie ect ect )

    role :

    Fav Gun :

    Steam name :

  3. The Dirty Rat'Z are Looking to build a small scale clan arround a core of veterans survivors / bandits. We are looking for More Dirty Rat'z for Ambushes on : High Traffic roads / High loots areas and various key points in Cherno. We will  Play and support  #1 US CANADA QC server/community. I play late so i expect the peoples arround me to play late... "We Kill to survive" , just to make it clear , that includes killing for upgrades ect. (no  fresh spawn killing tho.) We are Serious and mature. We own a Ventrilo for comm. system. We are looking to play with certain roles in the crew Sniper , spotter , medic ...

    The Dirty Rat'Z Cherche des joueurs Quebecois et Anlgais.
    Reply on this page this application :

    Player name :

    Age :


    Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....)

    Are you a veteran in DayZ ?

    DMR or M24 : ( explain why.)

    Steam Name :

    If things are serious we might have an official bandit bandit base.

    We will contact you via steam you after you applied.
    On va vous contact via steam apres votre application.
    Contact Alucard~Nasty on Steam for more info
    Contactez Alucard~Nasty sur Steam pour plus d'info

    Thank you !

    Merci !

  4. }DRZ{ is a New clan created by 2 vets , We play kill on sight game play ( no bambi or fresh spawn killing), and we act like Mercenaries ( third party) We chose to balance what ever side we feel to help ( good or Bad )

    We want to form a small "knit" crew ( 6 members total would be nice ) We want to stay small so we can be invisible to our environments.We play stealth until told so. We will Accept new players into }DRZ{ we are willing to show you our secrets ! We are looking into Active members !!!! We would like to play with certain role like medic , scout, sniper ,spotter ect ect.

    We also like our members to be mature we wont have a age restriction but the maturity level must be there. WE are EAST COAST players !!!!!!

    What are we gonna offer ???

    - Ventrilo access ( private server )

    - strategy and squad gameplay

    - Ambush of "hotspot" ( ex : North West Air Field ) , High traffic Road , High loot buildings

    - Raids on Cities and player Camps / tents

    - Fun Gameplay sessions

    - And lots and lots of cans and sodas

    Post your application here , we will contact you via steam

    Player Name AND Steam name :

    Age :

    Country :

    Hours of play ( per week) :

    What Role will you be :

    Experienced player ? yes/no :

    DMR or M24 ??? ( explain your choice and why ) :

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