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Posts posted by Alucardnasty

  1. Small Squad looking to add 2-3 new players to the squad. We play bandits but will also go help peoples that are been abused down the coast. We hunt clans , the team likes to spices things up.

    We focus on 1 community server. That Server is very Action-packed and its NON-stop !

    The team so far consist of 3 veterans of the game. We speak french (EASTERN TIME) but we speak decent and fluid  English.  We like to play stealth. we often lock down certain area to "control the infection spread." We need new guys to setup bigger projects and to create even more terror on the server. 

    We have access to both ventrilo and team speak. (we dont use skype).


    - We don't bitch when we lose gear , we go back and take revenge ( getting gear isnt an issue ) -

    - We don't kill fresh spawn unless they get in a way of a mission. -

    - We Respect peoples as much as possible. No troll , No Exploit. -

    - Help your fellow teammates no matter what. -

    - Must Have a Mic and TeamSpeak ( mandatory ) -

    - Respect server rules and have fun -



    We take players with a minimum of 5 months of experience.


    Contact me via Steam Alucard~Nasty 


    talk to us  Teamspeak:  ( talk to jaqen h'ghar )

  2. Im putting together an organised bandits / Mercs team. I start playing late during week late (10 pm ~)  , and in the morning. (few requirements to get in.) We play on the #1 US CANADA QC server , its an EAST COAST SERVER , expect most of us to have that eastern time. That server is action-packed and its non-stop. I returned to the game recently and got into that server as it started. i played solo no problems but now many clans have join. I decided to create TSL to counter the outnumber factor. It not the first clan i had. I'd like to think that i am a good caller in games in general. Iown my own ventrilo server but we uses the community ts3 atm. 

    I'd like if we are stealth'ish as much as we can , killing from the shadows  :) .  Small scale team is what i had in mind , but we will be expending once we got a solid core. The idea would be that we hunt groups and move from hot spot to another laying ambush on air fields but also highways and key road spots But here is the TWIST, when i say Mercs is that we can chose to help people for weapons , vehicules ect ect.


      Requirements :        


    - 17 + 

    - Microphone and Teamspeak3 and ventrilo.installed.

    - must have certain experience in DayZ 

    - We play bandits , doesnt mean we camp the coast or kill fresh spawn. ( situational exception )

    - I need more then just snipers.


    How to join : 


    Contact me via steam : Alucard~Nasty , after you fill the application BELOW apply here.

    We will talk on ts3. 



    -Age :

    -Location : ( ex: mexico)

    -Role that you would like to play :  (ex: sniper...)

    -Weapon of choice :

    -Are you a good pilot :  Yes/no ?      < --------------------( it wont affect the application)

    -How long have you been playing ?



    Thank you for your interest 

  3. Im putting together an organised bandits / mercs team , very few requirements. We play on the #1 US CANADA QC server , its action packed and its non-stop.

    I'd like if we are stealth'ish as much as we can , killing from the shadows :) .  Small scale team is what i had in mind , but we will be expending once we got a solid core. The idea would be that we hunt groups and move from hot spot to another.

               We are East Coast players from Canada / Quebec. We play late. 

    Requirements :  


    - 18 + 

    - Microphone and Teamspeak3 and ventrilo.installed.

    - must have certain experience in DayZ ( not looking for vets only but id certainly like)

    - We play bandits , doesnt mean we camp the coast or kill fresh spawn. ( situational exception )

    - We can't be ALL snipers. Play wise and change rolls when we need it.


    How to join : 


    Contact me via steam : Alucard~Nasty , after you fill the application BELOW  and post reply it here.


    -Age :

    -Location : ( ex: mexico)

    -Role that you would like to play :  (ex: sniper...)

    -Weapon of choice :

    -Are you a good pilot :  Yes/no ?      < --------------------( it wont affect the application)

    -How long have you been playing ?

    - tell me about you and your dayZ experience.


    Thank you for your interest 



    Je fait une team PVP pour le server US CA Quebec QC Montreal #1(http://thedayzclanwars.enjin.com/home). Je cherche du monde crinquer pour du pvp mais pas juste du "kill on sight" ...des tentative de captures. Nous allons avoir des roles precis a jouer , la communication c'est important. On tue pas les fresh spawn et on camp pas dans le sud a moin de rescue quelqu'un du groupe. On chasse dans le nord. L'action ce passe la. Il y a deja quelques clans qui sont focus pvp sur le server alors je cherches des joueurs qui savent comment dayz fonctionne et savent y jouer , donc pour le moment nous ne prenons pas de nouveaux joueurs.

    Au menu

    - Ambush sur les "hotspot" et les routes a gros traffics.

    - Quarantaine de certain perimetre ( defense d'une zone )

    - Raid sur les camps de joueurs ou sur des camps militaires.

    - Mission de rescue ou Chasse la l'homme (on choisi en fonction de tous le monde present ).

    - Creation de bases / Camps.

    - Avoir du fun !

    In english :

    Im creating a pvp team for an Action packed server with several clans to go against.We go in as good or bad clan we chose the side we want to balance so every day is diffrent. We will accept english players 18 + thats knows how to play. We won't carry new players at this point. We won't camp or kill fresh spawn unless they get i the way of our missions. We won't Camp the south of the map , we play in the north were most the good stuff happens.

    On the Menu

    - Ambush on "hotspot" and High traffic Roads.

    - Quarantine of Area ( we protect a certain zone )

    - Raids on various bases air field and player camps

    - Rescue missions or Man hunts ( we chose with the members availables for missions)

    - Creations of camps

    - To have fun !

    Fill out the application and post it here.

    Player name :

    Age :

    Experience generel in dayz : ( ex: new , vet .. ect ect.)

    Country and time zone :

    What role do you usually play : (ex: Sniper, assault...ect ect)

    favorites weapons :

    Steam Name :

  5. if you guys aren't full id like to take my chances with you guys. im an Ex clan leader( bandit oriented clan) looking to take a support approach , ill go straight for your medic spot.

    Name: Oliver

    In game name: Rat'Zooka

    Experience(time played): i play since early may.

    Preferred role: i had the role of leader in my last clan, now id like to play medic, support time baby !

    Steam: AlucardNasty


    What can you offer us: i make really good calls on the field , i think i got a really good awareness in this game , im a good shot with most weapons, including mil dots snipers. Im also really sneaky can be a scout if needed.
