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Everything posted by Alucardnasty

  1. Bonjour a tous ! }PTN{ ( Pas L'Temps D'Niaiser ) "bandit style"( on tue pas les player pas arme) Recrute , Petit Groupe (6 max) ( Kill on sight gameplay ). On Joue sur Chernarus sur un private hive avec un white list ,pas de hacker ni cheater. Tres bon server Quebecois (Access a un server Ventrilo priver.) Y nous manque des actifs pis on serai set pour des raids sur des villes / camps. PTN{ now recruit english players we want to form a knit small scall group mix of both french and english player we play bandits style and we like survaving acpect off the game , we do not exploit that one of our rules , we do leave fresh spawn alone tho we like to raid town and hot spot and player camps. We looking for Experience player we do not one want to carry people arround at this point. - Savoir Ecoutez , Savoir communiquer ( important) - Ne pas Etre attacher au Pixel (items) , Avoir des couilles , pas avoir peur de perdre sont gear - On "Ghost" pas, on Exploit pas...on vous pogne a le faire , Execution sur place. - Avoir du fun et manger des beans. Contactez Nous sur Steam : Alucard~Nasty ou Dard contact us on Steam. ty Merci / Ty
  2. Get registered and come pvp !!!
  3. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

    Bonjour a tous ! }PTN{ ( Pas L'Temps D'Niaiser ) Recrute , Petit Groupe ( Kill on sight gameplay ). On Joue sur Lingor et Chernarus. (Access a un server ventrilo.) On cherche un 1 bon sniper, 2 gunners pis on serai set pour des raids sur des villes / camp militaire. On Recherche le PvP le plus possible.. - Savoir Ecoutez , Savoir communiquer ( important). - On Cherche des gens d'une certain experience pvp. ( Pas L'Temps D'Niaiser ) "On carry personnes" - Ne pas Etre attacher au Pixel (items) , Avoir des couilles , pas avoir peur de perdre sont gear. - Avoir du fun et manger des beans. Contactez Nous sur Steam : Alucard~Nasty ou Dard Merci.
  4. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

  5. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

  6. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

    Bonjour , PTN "( Kill on sight )" cherche 2-3 joueurs qui aime l'action / pvp recherche un bon sniper , un gunner et un scout ( ninja style) Le Clan "swtich" entre Chernarus et Lingor Doit savoir jouer ( avoir de l'experience *important*) on carry pas personnes , savoir communiquer et ecouter .(On utilise ventrilo.) On Cherche du monde lets go "Pas L'Temps D'Niaiser" Contactez moi via Steam : Alucard~Nasty
  7. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

  8. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

  9. Alucardnasty

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

  10. your a complete retard , where does he says i recruited a hacker ????? you don't even speak french and he doesn't talk about me recruiting a hacker , he apologize for posting here on my recruiting post....( like you should do to) .... its not even my team member that got banned... hes talking about his member because you came here and posted about "him" ( the banned guy wich we dont even know or care about) in a not related clan....make no sense. Were not associated with any [Qc] members. , get your sources right or learn french before posting anything not related at all. This is a Recruitment post , not a drama troll shit that you Sir started. once again Thank you ![user warned. -Max]
  11. Ok bud . Don't post your crap here. Your making Presumptions that i recruit people like that or that Quebeckers are all in that "bag" , well your completely off . Let me guess, you hate frenchies ?????We don't recruit hackers , scripters etc etc Go elsewhere to fuck with people's recruitment post thank You !
  12. Alucardnasty

    Cya all, and bb DayZ

    WarZ is gonna be fking Theme park , good luck, have fun carebear !
  13. Ok.... i 100% agree my friend
  14. Encore un autres quawk qui pense qu'un tag fait le joueur , skillz, its where its at . Commentaire constructif boys ..si t pas content tu passe a autres chose.
  15. Je cherche encore des joueurs cmon !!!