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Everything posted by Alucardnasty

  1. Alucardnasty

    Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

    its the Backinthedayz.ca server
  2. Alucardnasty

    Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

    Looking for more players !
  3. Alucardnasty

    Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

    check your steam Alex ! Ian , im not sure your time zone is gonna match ours as we all live in america's and mostly east coast , get back to me on that plz !
  4. Alucardnasty

    Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

    Check your steam guys !
  5. DRZ are looking to add few members to the roster. Were are mostly vets , we play bandits on a private hive. We do coordinated raids on high traffic areas / roads. We take what we need then we vanish to another spot. We have our own comm. system( vent). We are Looking for mostly french canadians. We are currently looking for 1 or 2 support / medic role and a few grunts / snipers !!! We play mostly on the original map and we are dedicated to 1 server / community. We do not tolerate hacks. We respect the team members as they were brothers We help the crew ( if its reparing a vehicule we need everyone's participation) We don't Kill fresh spawn unless they are in our way. If you want in , post on this page the required information. Don't forget your steam name so i can get back to you ! Ty. Application form : player name : Age/sex : Country : Game Experience ( DayZ) ( Ex: Vet , rookie ect ect ) role : Fav Gun : Steam name :
  6. Alucardnasty

    }DRZ{ Dirty Rat'Z recruits Quebeckers !!!!

    Cherche des Quebecois !!!! Looking for Quebeckers !!!!
  7. We are still looking for bandits , we need gunners and supports at this point!! Thnk you all for your interests !
  8. Still looking for some players !!!!
  9. Salut , je part un groupe qui "kill on sight" parce que "on a Pas l'Temps d'Niaiser "!!!. j'aimerai etre stable sur 1 ou 2 servers avec un ptit groupe organiser (( 6-8 ) peut aller jusqu'a 10 max ) avec des roles ( scouts , sniper , medics ..ect ect ) on tue pas les respawn a moin qui soit arme . ON ce gear miliary pis on part faire du PVP / Chasse aux vehicules. J'ai acces a un ventrilo. - Cherche du monde qui on pas peur de prendre des risques ( pas "brayer" quand tu perd tes pixels) - Doit etre actifs au moin 1 fois semaines - Doit etre mature et capable de communiquer et ecouter - Avoir un certain degres d'experience dans le jeux ( pvp surtout ) - Etre la pour avoir du fun pis manger des bonnes " bines "!! Si tu veux join , contacte / add moi sur Steam pis jvous pose 3-4 questions. Steam name : Alucard~Nasty
  10. possible.... lol i think i got it now
  11. Alucardnasty

    Looking to join a small group

    Hey there , we are a small group of bandits were looking for more ! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/114505-drz-dirty-ratz-are-looking-to-add-a-few-more-survivors-qccanusuk/
  12. Nuzzle and ZerO both of you have been invited , check your steam
  13. }DRZ{ is a New clan created by 2 vets , We play kill on sight game play ( no bambi or fresh spawn killing), and we act like Mercenaries ( third party) We chose to balance what ever side we feel to help ( good or Bad ) We want to form a small "knit" crew ( 6 members total would be nice ) We want to stay small so we can be invisible to our environments.We play stealth until told so. We will Accept new players into }DRZ{ we are willing to show you our secrets ! We are looking into Active members !!!! We would like to play with certain role like medic , scout, sniper ,spotter ect ect. We also like our members to be mature we wont have a age restriction but the maturity level must be there. WE are EAST COAST players !!!!!! What are we gonna offer ??? - Ventrilo access ( private server ) - strategy and squad gameplay - Ambush of "hotspot" ( ex : North West Air Field ) , High traffic Road , High loot buildings - Raids on Cities and player Camps / tents - Fun Gameplay sessions - And lots and lots of cans and sodas Post your application here , we will contact you via steam Player Name AND Steam name : Age : Country : Hours of play ( per week) : What Role will you be : Experienced player ? yes/no : DMR or M24 ??? ( explain your choice and why ) :
  14. Looking for more serious players !!!!!
  15. still looking for people , keep posting !!!
  16. i sent invites to all of you via steam make sure to check them out
  17. You guys dont mind playing on the US east coast servers as europeen ?
  18. Hi there , We will contact you sir !