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Everything posted by CactuarLOL

  1. CactuarLOL

    many players are quitting

    Awesome handle Womb Raider, love it.
  2. CactuarLOL

    contrails in the sky?!

    You'd think that, but tanks arent actually that useful, the payload of most tanks usually consists of Armour Piercing shells for taking out other tanks, and High Explosive shells for squishy targets, the problem with the high explosive shells is that they more often than not wouldnt hit the brain of the zombies, you could fire into a group of 20 and maybe only kill 2 or 3 zombies. You would run out of fuel eventually and if you were surrounded by zombies you couldnt exactly pop out and fill up, also running through crowds of zombies would most likely clog up your treads.
  3. CactuarLOL

    contrails in the sky?!

    My guess is that the reason all the cars in the game are destroyed or need repair is because all of the working ones were all taken out of the area by people escaping the outbreak.. All that was left behind was the junkers. With helicopter crash sites (containing British gear) findable it is entirely feasible that an international military recon/rescue mission was put together before the virus spread outside the region. As Chernarus would seem to be ground zero it would also make sense for any surviving nations to send recon missions to investigate the source of the outbreak, this could easily stretch to include planes taking photos or performing tactical bombing runs to clear the way for ground troops to investigate.
  4. CactuarLOL

    MP5SD6 Firemode Bug

    F key
  5. CactuarLOL

    My character on her period

    I dont get it, is it part of a lets play? why is the vid so short? Why was your character screaming?
  6. CactuarLOL

    Micro Stutters

    Why would I want to update to a version that doesn't support a feature that makes Arma run perfectly?
  7. Try hitting enter for ladders n doors, You can use F to switch between weapons and there is a "switch to pistol" button but i forget what it is, it's listed in the controls menu in-game though..
  8. CactuarLOL

    Micro Stutters

    I beg to differ; http://fishfoodblender.com/junk/armapreren.png
  9. CactuarLOL

    Micro Stutters

    Heres what i done to fix it: Nvidia Control panel, select manage 3d settings, then program settings, Program to customise: Arma II (also do the same for Arma II OA), set the max pre-rendered frames to 8 (Max). Not sure if it'll work for you or if your card card can do that but it worked for me.
  10. CactuarLOL

    Purchasing Arma for DayZ, Worth it?

    I wouldnt recommend it, Arma II is a fantastic game and there are some amazing opportunities for huge coop gameplay, But that said, DayZ is a mod, its in early alpha, and from what i've seen so far people who havn't played a milsim before tend to complain a hell of a lot about the development of DayZ. Try the free version of Arma II for a while and get to grips with the controls and the playstyle of the game, then make your decision to buy or not.
  11. Just because you get spotted when sneaking without a weapon doesnt mean you lose, You can sprint, evade zombies, find, use everything available to you, tin cans to distract zombies, buildings to slow down pursuers, use the terrain to make the zombies lose sight of you... I think you are concentrating on sneaking exclusively and then complaining when your single minded strategy fails, the game is about survival at all costs, its not just a "sneak em up". In Arma II yes you use sneaking to gain an advantage, but the second you are spotted that advantage is lost, its time to dash for cover, then retreat or attack.
  12. CactuarLOL

    Infected following you

    Evading in a straight line is fail, when in a city take every turn you can (not looping back on yourself) This will cut the line of site of zombies and other npc's and multiply the possible places you could have gone.
  13. CactuarLOL

    Hacked or bugged crowbar

    I think thats how the melee weapons work, they arent really melee weapons, just ranged weapons with a really short range and 10,000 ammo.
  14. CactuarLOL

    Micro Stutters

    Are you using an Nvidia card?
  15. CactuarLOL


    You could put glue on your tape but you'd still have to pick tape or glue im afraid. Tapes use a pressure sensitive adhesive which differs from glues in that the bond is formed by applying pressure to the surface of the tape. Although that does raise the question as to which is stuck to which.
  16. CactuarLOL


    No it has an adhesive but i dont think it counts as glue, glue is an independent entity. I think all glues are adhesive but not all adhesives are glues.
  17. CactuarLOL


    So are you saying Tape or Glue?
  18. CactuarLOL


    Yea i should have elaborated, the tape can be any tape, and the glue can be any glue. Duct tape IS very useful, but i find Glue to be stonger, which is why i prefer glue over tape.
  19. CactuarLOL


    This thread is now about the following; "TAPE OR GLUE?" I choose glue
  20. CactuarLOL

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    Sprint through elektro, fuck crouching, most of the zombies will lose you as you run around / through buildings. You'll be fully equipped in about 20 mins.
  21. CactuarLOL

    Temperature always high

    I've also noticed this bug, realistically the temperature is way off, if my temperature in the real world was over 40 C i'd be seeking immediate medical attention as Hyperthermia (A body temperature over 40 degrees celcius) is a life-threatening condition. My characters always seem to start with a very high fever of 42*C and stay at that temperature the majority of the time.
  22. IIRC Arma II and OA were on sale a little over a year ago. Not sure if that information is relevant to thread though :p Edit: Midweek Madness - All ARMA titles 50% off! (8 Nov 2011)
  23. CactuarLOL

    Track IR and DayZ

    I bought one for Arma II but i wouldnt recommend it, it make me feel nauseous, Plus I find holding a button to look around just as effective.
  24. Yes Or randomise the starting equipment out of a selection of basic items (Torch, gun, backpack, map, watch, compass, binos.)