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LunaTiK (DayZ)

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Everything posted by LunaTiK (DayZ)

  1. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    POLL: US70 Game Settings

    and your posts voices the opinion of everyone else who plays on that server? have you met every single person who ever played on US70? Sure' date=' this poll is not a way to find out what the players of US70 really want, but don't talk too high about yourself like you know everyone. As for your arguments: I can understand people want 3rd person, or crosshairs or nametags. But the settings I mentioned in the OP do nothing but go against the intended mechanics of the game. What is the purpose of a compass if a map shows your orientation as well? and whats the purpose of a GPS if you can use the waypoints? whats the purpose of removing global chat if you can still globally communicate with others using the markers on the map? This is not the way rocket wanted his mod to be. We are alpha testers and we will have to live with the way the game is. If you can't handle that you shouldn't hide behind a server with wrong game settings. You should stop playing DayZ. [/quote'] The purpose of a compass would be to see your direction without opening the map. The purpose of the GPS would be to have a mini map with grid locations up without opening the map which is great for driving. The markers have personal uses. You can put them up without everyone else seeing them. If you don't like other peoples public markers then remove them. My opinions are based on normal human behavior. If people are given a choice the normal or average person is going to choose the choice they prefer; meaning the typical person who plays regularly on a server play there because that's what they prefer. If they didn't prefer that they would do the normal thing and play else where. So my 'opinion' is that you aren't normal. You have a choice to play with the rules you like but you choose to play some where else and ask for the rules to be changed. "We are alpha testers and we will have to live with the way the game is. If you can't handle that you shouldn't hide behind a server with wrong game settings. You should stop playing DayZ." This seems like it was directed to yourself. Live with the way the game is and stop trying to force your preferences on other people. Who made you god of dayz to choose what server rules were wrong or right. These rules are choices rocket has currently given admins to make. There are plenty of servers with the rules you want I suggest you gain some common sense and find them.
  2. LunaTiK (DayZ)


    Haven't you heard the idiom 'It's a dog eat dog world'. I don't see why this is so surprising to people. While the saying isn't always true it surely can be. Not everyone will back-stab you but if you want to take the chances on figuring out who will and who won't you will die eventually or die often. I have killed people appearing to be friendly just for giggles and I find the entire backstabbing part of the game hilarious at times; even if it was done to me. It's part of what makes DayZ addictive because you just never know what's going to happen and what stories you'll have the next day.
  3. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    You don't need to be an ESP hack to find the tents on the map. Ask the people on US153, We've destroyed just about every tent on the map. Combing the forests is simple. Tents are harder to hide than vehicles. We've destroyed 200+ tents in the last few days on one single server. Finding tents deployed in forests is easier than finding one to deploy. You get a nice offroad vehicle and just drive around looking for them. I could find all the tents on a server quicker than someone could find a single tent in an area 10km2 next to my house. The only purpose tents serve on the map is to give free shit to people who don't deserve it.
  4. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Strange Sniper Rifle

    Sounds like an AS50, compared to other snipers it's pretty quiet. If you were already damaged with only a little life you probably wouldn't be able to hear the second shot. Snipers can shoot from great distances so they wouldn't need to be close. You can be shot by an AS50 from distances that you can't hear any shot. I just tested it with a friend.
  5. Rumor has it the DDoS is being performed by a group that takes payment for services.
  6. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    No zombies in forests?

    Every time I spawn without anything, I just go kill a sniper. It's like taking candy from a baby and instagear.
  7. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    No zombies in forests?

    lol 'grief' sniping. A few places on a huge map to do this sniping. You can effectively kill these retards with an axe. "Every time I run through field @ cherno I get sniped!!!!!!!" ...Guy goes to field of cherno again gets sniped, and again, and again. Adding zombies in the woods isn't going to do anything. Stay out of the field at cherno, stay out of stary sobor. People play this game the way they want and people enjoy being snipers. Get some balls, brains, or just go play a game that actually suits you.
  8. Make it both server and client side that way on servers with side chat enabled you can turn it off client side if you wish. Win win win, right?
  9. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Sniper got what he deserved.

    Annoying guy talking in video equals annoying video.
  10. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    POLL: US70 Game Settings

    Yeah I read it and it changes nothing I've said. It's basic common sense. People play on servers where they like the rulesets. Making a thread in forums where people typically only go when they have a problem with something defeats the purpose of having a poll or a vote. It completely swings the favor toward the people wanting the change as the people who don't want the change are playing completely unaware of this post at all and filling up the server everyday. In the end you should set the server rules how you want because you are never going to please everyone. The people who play on the server play there because they enjoy the rulesets or the majority of them would play somewhere else. I often go to hardcore servers because I like that type of gameplay and people really get into the game on those servers. I also like the rulesets on this server because when I want the game to be a little faster I have that choice. If I had to guess I'd assume these guys got vehicles then made camps and none of that stuff is permanent. Wanting rules changed because of some temporary items you have on a server isn't practical. Probably server hoppers that found a vehicle and decided to setup shop and now want server rules changed. I'm just here defending the 100s of people who play everyday just fine with the current ruleset and see no reason to come to forums to find out if there is some poll to change them. Change the rules all you want but do it for your own reasons and what you want not for a few people who some may or may not even play on the server. You'd be ruining the rulesets for many to conform to the few. That just doesn't seem practical to me. Changing them because you want to and pay for the server, that seems practical to me. Someone suggesting new rule sets to you isn't the problem here and you deciding you want to change them is perfectly fine. It's the one sided poll in the forums which will never be accurate at all which is the problem.
  11. It's from a movie called Shaun of the Dead and yes it's because of the letter Z being called/named Zed in certain countries. Probably not the first time in history it was used but it was a memorable part of the film for people and why it became so popular.
  12. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Log in, see this:

    They are so rare you have to use scripts to spawn them in!
  13. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    How to make DayZ look like this?

    Yeah looks horrible and as others have said it's mostly Post Processing and other graphics being too low. Post Processing only looks good/decent when other graphics are extremely high also. But if you want it blurry like that some settings need to be lower and the brighter the game is, with brightness gamma and hdr the more blurry it will be. It looks like he left his settings like this after playing at night.
  14. I have yet to spawn in from scratch and just be killed. It's never happened. I spawn in and run directly into the woods. So simple I think it's TOO simple. I then run away from the coast to less populated areas and start surviving. An hour later I have all my basic tools. You guys have to figure out how to play the game and stop doing the SAME THING OVER AND OVER when it's not working.
  15. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Duped Items

    Date/Time: Don't recall but was recently 2 days ago probably What happened: Duped Items, maybe related to putting on different skin and body respawning then logging out. Not sure if this is a repost or not but It could be. I had recently thought it was but not sure so posting it anyways. Where you were: On the large island S/E of the map What you were doing: Putting on ghillie suit and saving items in tent in case of respawn in water. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US70 *Your system specs: Q9550 @ 3.85Ghz, GTX 580 FTWs, win7 64-bit *Timeline of events before/after error: placed items in tent, wore ghillie suit, logged out, logged in and had extra items. Seems it was the last items I placed in the tent before disconnecting. Not sure if bug is related to ghillie suit or not or if it's just the database not updating correctly due to lag of some sort with server when transferring items to tend and logging out. I can see where a bug similar to this was found earlier in mod history doing search on forums but I think this may be slightly different as the first was fixed if i'm not mistaken.
  16. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    POLL: US70 Game Settings

    :D There are rules I'd like different on the server also but the deal is I'm not the one that purchased the server and I can have fun on it just like it is. You want to play on a server with your rule sets then fork up the money and buy one. These posts shouldn't even exist, He doesn't host the server to set the settings the way you want and I imagine he'll change the settings when and how he wants. How much money are you guys willing to come up with to hopefully guide his mind toward your server preferences? None, stfu, move along. Stop pretending these guys(admins of any server) are paying for servers so you can micromanage them.
  17. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Nerf NVG

    You people are such cry babies. The NVG are fine and I've never even had a pair nor have I been killed by them. if I were I wouldn't care as I probably did something really stupid in the middle of the night and went somewhere like NW/AP and got killed.
  18. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    This is what gaming forums/testing forums have come to. Didn't used to be like this before every idiot had a computer.
  19. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    POLL: US70 Game Settings

    Problem here is that most of the regulars probably play here for the reasons you listed or they would play some where else. I doubt people are coming into the forums looking for this thread and most of the posts will just be people adding to it who probably don't play there or even really care. On a side note, the GPS is still useful for driving vehicles and having a mini map up. I already know the map and the current settings just makes gameplay less of a hassle. Not sure why someone would play on a server they don't like the settings.
  20. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    [] Ammo dropped when picking up tools

    I thought everyone knew these things about arma by now 1) If you pick up a primary weapon without putting the current one down it will not appear on the ground 2) Primary weapons take 10 slots in bags. If you don't have enough slots it will be erased The problem is, is that it needs to be changed. I'm lysdexic and can't help it. Sometimes I switch out weapons the wrong way and it deletes my weapon. I'm sick of my weapons being deleted. If there isn't room don't let it move! There are items where if you try to pick them up and don't have room it gives you a msg and doesn't let you. It can't be that hard to freaking change this so weapons stop getting deleted.
  21. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Is the M4A1 Holo SD legit?

    I found an M4A1 HOLO SD with M203 laying in a spawn pile on a newly restarted server. It's got to be legit. I don't believe they are going around banning people with hacked weapons just because they have hacked weapons. They are banning the guys who are spawning the hacked weapons in and running scripts to delete the hacked weapons. We found some heavy machine gun before we had any idea there were hacked weapons in the game and some russian gave us a jeep a week or two later, both of them went missing at the same time and we think it's because scripts were ran to delete hacked weapons. None of us were banned, they aren't going to ban people just for having the weapons. What if they spawn NVGs in and you kill them and take the NVGs, you have no idea they are hacked. They aren't about to just go around banned innocent people, we had no idea the jeep was hacked. I thought it was a good chance, I mean, who gives a jeep away just because they found your base and feel bad about telling the server where it is. He said he had another, even so, two much better than one and plus he was russian and we all know the typical gamer russian loves some hacks especially on free games.
  22. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    NVG's an GPS

    CrossShade has seen way to many retards talk about statistics in WoW. How many times I've seen people like CrossShade actually convince people they were right in that game is mind-boggling.