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LunaTiK (DayZ)

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Everything posted by LunaTiK (DayZ)

  1. Did you try what I said exactly? Some people said this helped. If you have two different windows accounts log into another. Steam has to be ran in ADMIN mode, launch Operation Arrowhead without dayz first and let it go all the way to the menu. Then launch dayz.
  2. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    An Appeal To New Players

    Maybe they aren't new players at all and realize they can run to NW airfield before they starve and hope to find something good right away. Death is a chance they are willing to take maybe since they have nothing to lose.
  3. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    ALWAYS unconscious when I come back to play...

    Take damage, Either have a friend shoot you or take damage from a zombie. Bandage yourself then play as normal. As long as you play for longer than 3 minutes you should be able to login and out when you want without worry.
  4. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Annoying Random FPS Freeze

    You could download http://www.moo0.com/?top=http://www.moo0.com/software/SystemMonitor/ and see what it's reporting as the bottleneck during the freeze. What are your FPS when not frozen?
  5. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    The Ups & Downs of DayZ

    Show us the duping.
  6. Which ever computer doesn't have the correct account. Completely sign out of windows then back in. Launch steam as admin and sign into normal account and launch the game. This should update the cd key in the registry.
  7. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    hey guys im a snake :D

    You wanted to abort in combat...
  8. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Any easy way to swap between primaries?

    Yes, Open the backpack, in the list select the weapon in the backpack and move it into your inventory. This will automatically move the weapon in your inventory to your backpack. DO NOT DO IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Only move the weapon from the backpack into the inventory and never the weapon in the main inventory into a full backpack. This will take as much ammo for the second weapon as you have spaces. You can then manually move ammo.
  9. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    I don't consider zombies much of a threat. In that sense I consider anyone carrying a primary weapon which isn't a crossbow to be a threat and killing a threat before he sees me is my type of defense.
  10. When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son, Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns. But I shot a man in Cherno just to watch him die When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry..
  11. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    I have a salt addiction and it's rare in these parts. It's a horrible horrible addiction and without my fix I might lose my mind. So I kill everyone I see and lick their juicy salty tears.
  12. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    What are the odds?

    Odds of running into someone in a military spawn location on a low pop server is higher than running into them on a medium pop server. It's because people server hop these locations on servers that are low population. People on medium population servers tend to stay clear of them.
  13. I'm not 100% positive but I believe wire fences don't glitch out anymore. The new glitch only happens near military spawns. I'm thinking it's some type of loot that only spawns military.
  14. Yes admins have been known to restart servers to cheat death. I killed a couple of admins on an empty server the other night in the dark. I still had the kill msgs up when I went up to loot and couldn't loot then I started getting the "no message received..." After server came up, it was daytime and they were both alive in different positions.
  15. I would try different ethernet drivers
  16. You are all filthy dirty hackers! No, It just happened on the entire server I was on.
  17. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    [OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

    Is it possible the problem could be the server in some of these situations. I read where this was happening to an ADMIN of his own server and they completely re-installed the server side and it started working for him.
  18. I am having this bug also. I am sure it's the ghillie suit and it's not every server. I have multiple characters anytime I put a ghillie suit on one of them there are servers I can't join. Right now one of my characters can't take his ghillie off because I don't have extra clothing. I have some, just not where he is. I'll eventually get some to him though.
  19. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    [OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

    I get stuck at loading also though mine is a little different. I have multiple characters and I have noticed the only character that gets stuck is the one wearing a ghillie suit and some servers he is fine, other servers he is not. These servers all appear to be running correctly. It has persisted through multiple updates.
  20. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Latest Arma 2 OA patch zip corrupted...

    750MB it's only 52MB From where and what are you downloading? It might be corrupt because you have packet loss. http://pingtest.net/
  21. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    FULL Medical / First aid

    I am completely serious, I really believe maxipads/tampons should be in the game. I think that's the best suggestion this thread has spawned.
  22. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Spread The Word: Hacker Awareness

    I'm just giving you constructive criticism, it's actually you who are being ungrateful. I'm not insulting the video, I noticed the times you posted, I'm just stating it would be pretty cool if you would post the commentary of your instructional videos.
  23. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Am I a bully or was this justice?

    You should reword your statement to reflect you shot WARNING shots not that you missed. Then you are in the clear.
  24. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    IRC ban for asking a question

    You haven't actually attempted to defend the real reason you were banned. You haven't even acknowledged you committed the offense and played it off like you didn't even do it, yet, here I am looking at the chat where you did so.
  25. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    IRC ban for asking a question

    Because all he did was ask. You were posting videos on how to do it. For someone with an obvious above average intellect you are completely retarded in the common sense department.