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LunaTiK (DayZ)

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About LunaTiK (DayZ)

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    Houston, Tx
  1. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    4GB to 6GB of RAM

    HollyDayZ is correct. If you are not liking the way your computer is performing in DayZ your best bet would be to go with a more powerful CPU. The extra ram will help other things and make your overall experience smoother but when it comes to your in-game fps you aren't going to see much of a difference if any. If you find your games crashing when alt-tabbing or hanging up or crashing with memory errors, adding more ram will usually help. Technically there is no such thing as dual/triple channel ram. It's just normal ram sticks. These packages are labeled dual channel because the ram was made at the same time better ensuring they'll run the same and often tested together. If you buy your ram in pairs it's best to make sure you use these in matching slots even if the other ram seems identical, try not to confuse which ones you bought together.
  2. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    4GB to 6GB of RAM

    Are you running 4GB of ram? How large is your pagefile.sys? Are you sure you have a full understanding of how ram works or are you simply throwing your opinion around forums when you know little more than how much a system is using at some random point in time and how much it has. I've seen far too many times that an upgrade from 4GB made a large difference in how well the computer ran in gaming situations even if the system wasn't using that much ram. Especially if the user has a moderate understanding of computers and windows.
  3. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    4GB to 6GB of RAM

    Contrary to what others have said, It could help a lot. Windows+Dayz+Whatever else you might be running and you can get real close to using 4GB of ram these days. Adding an extra 2GB can surely make things go smoother and faster. Most people who move up from 4GB to at least 6GB will see quicker responses from their computer when heavy amounts of ram is being used even if it doesn't seem like 4GB is being used. An example would be when games or loading. You'll likely notice right off that alt-tabbing from fullscreen games becomes much more smoother and quicker. Dual Channel Ram isn't something one needs to be worried about when it comes to gaming. Most people see absolutely no gain in performance between single channel and dual channel and in the rare cases they do it usually is less than a 5% gain in performance. I would need to know more about your computer to give a more accurate opinion. Motherboard/CPU/RAM/Video Card/Hard Drive and what type of performance boost you are needing or if you are experiencing bottlenecks while gaming.
  4. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    The Day Before the Standalone

    I stopped playing for both of these reasons. Not only do I want it to be fresh. I put off the mod for now for many reasons most of which have to do with not wanting to end up comparing the mod to the standalone. I may come back to the mod but for now I'm going to forget as much about it as possible. When the standalone is released I'm going to try not to compare it to the mod at all.
  5. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    WTB 18+ DayZ players

    If you can't take a little teabagging maybe you should be looking for players under the age of 18!
  6. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    The most important part which was left out is to have HDR on the highest setting.
  7. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    I love the krutoy Cap spawn. The area is just fine like it is.
  8. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Which new pc would be better?

    You don't need to worry about temps on ivy bridge cpus it will do fine. what lukeman3000 has said is spot on.
  9. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Craziest shot you've ever landed?

    Did you have crosshairs? Anyways, I've landed a good number of enfield shots at around 800m on moving targets running perpendicular to my view.
  10. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Motion Sickness in Vehicles

    Seriously? I already get motion sickness from this game and I've never had motion sickness from anything outside of gaming and only two games. When I play on my 22" screen it's not as much of a problem but when I play on my 50" sitting at a normal distance It's horrible. That's with head bob off and don't even get me started on the vehicle first person, it's horrible.
  11. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    They are using a firewall with heavy restrictions and it's scanning all the packets going through those ports is the best I can explain it easily. A payed for VPN service might work also but other than that you are going to have to get them to configure their network security for the ports DayZ uses.
  12. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    One Shot Two Kills?

    I'm not exactly sure what happened in your specific scenario but technically it shouldn't be possible. The last I have checked bullets won't exit players and hit another player.
  13. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    Floating Battle Ship!

    While I new what this was going to be the thread title still humored me. Who knew battleships could float.
  14. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    This probably has to do with your schools firewalls and likely a lost cause unless you can make friends in the IT department.