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Everything posted by =RK=Achilles

  1. =RK=Achilles

    DayZ T-shirts?

    Can we use the Dayz logo to create custom shirts? http://www.bluecotton.com/shareimage_bronto.cgi?filename=1289574.jpg
  2. =RK=Achilles

    Common with cheaters?

    Hacking "script kiddies" are running rampant right now. If you play for any length of time... it will happen to you.. Thunderdome anyone? Gives combat logging one legit use anyway... If you start to learn to read the early warning signs, your chances of dcing before the hacker teleports you or teleports too you are greater... Get a broken leg for no reason, start desycning really badly, get white text messages in the middle of the screen, see people starting dieing in great numbers, etc, etc, DISCONNECT!!
  3. =RK=Achilles


    Yeah the server I've been playing on has been getting hit multiple times a day. Pretty infuriating.... Might have to play something else for a while even though I don't really want to. Finally found a decent group of guys to play with. Spend a lot of time repairing vehicles just to get killed by an invisible teleporter. Every... Single.... Time....
  4. =RK=Achilles

    Okay so, Whats the deal with cars?

    Here's been my experience with vehicles in the last 3 days. 1. Get in vehicle 2. Travel to desired location 3. Hacker teleports to vehicle, kills everyone, hides/destroys vehicle 4. Rinse and Repeat Something needs to be done SOON!!!
  5. Just changing vsync on or off, works for me. Whenever I get artifacts, I just change the vysnc setting and its gone until the next area that has it.
  6. If your only objective in the game is to "survive", yes the all towns are useless. Just sit in the woods, hunt, drink, and log off when it rains. I bet you could live forever. But those of us with imaginations like to create a story. Put ourselves in threaten situations, even if it's not to PK. You can ALWAYS use another tent or find a piece of gear you don't have already. If you do have one already, find a spare. MAKE UP reasons to go places. I like to move around just so I can watch another player from a distance. Even that gets my heart racing. If I were actually trying for a record for days survived, being super careful and sitting in the woods 24/7 would be the way to go. But I would be hella bored...
  7. I'm part of a small gaming community already, but the rest of them either don't care for dayz or don't have time to play much. I want a small group to play tactically with, but are really just about having fun. Preferrably a mature 18+ group. I'm a medium to high skill player and want to find a group that actually has a chance and the desire to repair a helicopter some time. I live in the midwest US. (Eastern Time Zone). Can play evenings (6pm - midnight). Sometimes later :).
  8. =RK=Achilles

    Looking for Small Semi-Serious Group

    See end of my post
  9. =RK=Achilles

    Items duplicating

    I had a single tent, was coming back to camp on my bicycle and couldnt stop in time and flattened it..... All my stuff was gone. So I went to a market and found another tent. Put it up right were the other one lay flat. Ten minutes later the server restarts and the flat tent is now back..... All was there but my M4 CCO turned into an M16 M203 :/
  10. =RK=Achilles

    General Weapon Poll

    I wouldnt mind seeing less high end gear and more low tech stuff. A .22 rifle would be sweet. I'm kinda torn. I love having the military grade stuff. But it seems to be a little too easy to find. The only balance I guess is the danger in going to the military areas. In my last 3 deaths, I've gotten lucky enough to find the coyote backpack within the first few hours of my new life.
  11. =RK=Achilles

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Because in the real zombie apacolypse, you wont be able to kill yourself and respawn near your buddies!
  12. =RK=Achilles

    I like the game and all.. But.

    Twice now I've had invisible players run right up to me. One was trying to taunt me. As soon as I realized it I aborted in both cases. The only times I've done that. Not scared to die to a legit player but in those cases I'll do it every time.
  13. =RK=Achilles

    I have started doing 'item cards' for Day Z.

    Those are awesome. I loled at the enfield one the most.
  14. =RK=Achilles

    Got killed COD style

    People that use CoD tactics usually end up dead. Earlier this week my buddy and I found a heli wreck. We were moving up-hill to it, preparing to start shooting the crew zeds. Then I noticed 2 other players coming down the hill towards the same wreck. We were quite exposed so we turned and ran back down the hill into a tree line. The other 2 guys must have thought we were just running away past the tree line and just charged down the hill, rushing "CoD" style! I was waiting for them, peeking out from behind a tree, they were totally exposed sprinting right at me. I downed the first guy and the second one tried to flank left and ran down another tree line that went farther down the hill. He couldnt find us but I could see him moving down the tree line and was an easy target. Just before this another player shot at us from behind, my buddy dove into the bushes and I just kept running over the crest of the hill, and started circling back. Well the bandit was circling my buddy, but my circle was about 25 feet wider than his. As I came back over the hill, the bandit was moving west, looking south, and I was moving east, looking south... He had no idea I was there until he was dead. It really was just luck, but it was crazy heart pumping fun! Then the next day I casually walked into some dudes sights in the woods. Must have seen me coming. First shot went through my nose... No more Coyote Backpack or NVG.... qq lol Was frustrating but couldnt get too mad. I prob would have done the same!
  15. =RK=Achilles

    Best item/vehicle you've fount?

    I hadn't really found anything special until this past week. Then I just kept finding cool stuff. Before I stumbled right into a guy in a forest I had NVG and an M4A3 with the light. Found NVG and the same gun for my buddy as well. Ran into about 4 Heli wrecks over 2 days. Found 3 Bisons, 1 FN FAL with NV scope, M107, and a M14. Hopefully when I get home my stash is still intact....
  16. =RK=Achilles

    elektro/cherno intended to be manditory?

    I never go to those towns unless I spawn there. Never had trouble surviving.
  17. =RK=Achilles

    Spawning unconscious

    I have this bug as well. Even if its a few hours between log ins. I was not under the shock effect either.
  18. =RK=Achilles

    For crying out loud give us something!

    I vote for adding 2 tin cans to the inventory ! :P All you need.
  19. =RK=Achilles

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    So basically vehicles are useless now since servers restart so often. I've fixed up or found around 5 different vehicles in the past week only to have them ate by the server before I got to put them to use.. I realize its alpha but making the vehicles reset on server restart makes it not worth the work and time to fix one up... I had a truck already to go for the night. Was leaving it parked until my buddies could get on and ride around with me and loot places. My buddies logged on and literally 2 minutes later the server restarted and no vehicles... Same thing has happened a couple more times now so I see no point it even trying for a vehicle at this point... I know its alpha but man it sure ruins a LOT of hard work, especially if you are playing solo.
  20. =RK=Achilles

    Barbwire really?

    If you have a toolbox they can be taken down... Aim at the base of the poles holding it up.
  21. YES. I'm all for anything to help identify a scumbag.
  22. =RK=Achilles

    Stucked at loading screen

    I am using 1.7, latest beta patch, and cannot join any server period. I usually get stuck at "retrying to authenticate", or "waiting for character to create" with the lobby overlay covering the normally black screen. Have not been able to join a server for about a week now... regardless of time of day or server load.